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Week two of the Holland Festival (#HF11) brings a nice mix of highlights and questionable choices.

Photo: Ruth Walz

That the Off Broadway musical Fela! was a success, we could actually expect. For The Dodo, we therefore did not send anyone there either: there are already enough newspapers and other bloggers eager to have a front-row seat to the New York audience favourite. You can read that they had a good time elsewhere on this site, via the Holland Festival blogstream.

Earlier, we saw a...

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Photo: Ruth Walz

That the Off Broadway musical Fela! was a success, we could actually expect. For The Dodo, we therefore did not send anyone there either: there are already enough newspapers and other bloggers eager to have a front-row seat to the New York audience favourite. You can read that they had a good time elsewhere on this site, via the Holland Festival blogstream.

Earlier, we saw a...

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