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Crowdsourcing: Urgent help sought on complex legal document from ministry on Netherlands Music Institute

We have received an initial response from the ministry to an objection from an institution to be cut away. In this case, the Netherlands Music Institute. Ministry products and services officer, appropriately named Drs Spijker, dismisses the objection, but we have some questions about the precise legal hedging of the whole thing. And, of course, we are just a bunch of silly art journalists ourselves.

Anyway: we are looking for help. Someone who can tell if this letter is correct or if it is e...

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We have received an initial response from the ministry to an objection from an institution to be cut away. In this case, the Netherlands Music Institute. Ministry products and services officer, appropriately named Drs Spijker, dismisses the objection, but we have some questions about the precise legal hedging of the whole thing. And, of course, we are just a bunch of silly art journalists ourselves.

Anyway: we are looking for help. Someone who can tell if this letter is correct or if it is e...

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