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'No idea what the consequences of my policies are'

"It is currently not possible to reliably predict the development of these characteristics of the cultural sector, let alone the impact of budget cuts on them. Movements in the things mentioned in the question depend on many factors. First, there is no many underlying data. Furthermore, the development depends partly on the (still unknown) subsidy decisions of governments, the extent to which institutions can continue with less subsidy or manage to find new money streams, and consumer choices following the crisis. "

In case you think the above quote is from yet another protest letter from an arts organisation tormented by budget cuts, this time you are wrong. We found this quote in a letter from the man himself, State Secretary for Culture Halbe Zijlstra. Hear it from someone else, too.

This 'I have no idea what the consequences of my actions are, but I'm doing it anyway'- action by the secretary of state can be read in a letter containing answers to questions from the Lower House, our parliament. Which thus asks questions such as

"Can you indicate how many institutions are subsidised by the state, provinces or municipalities? Is it clear which type of institutions are taking the biggest hits due to culture cuts? If not, are you willing to investigate this? "

To which the secretary of state gives an answer which - somewhat more succinctly than he writes it himself - reads:


So this is how you govern a country. We at the Cultural Press Agency find it getting more interesting by the day.

So as not to put you at a disadvantage, in terms of information, you will find the letter from the stas below.

Click to access beantwoording-kamervragen-over-de-optelsom-van-bezuinigingen-op-cultuur.pdf


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