Who can tell the story of Deventer? Apply. And if you manage to convince the committee, you can touch a nice salary for three years. As director of the first museum production house in the world.
You read it right. Shortly after the VVD, together with the PVV, killed its own patriotic culture by, among other things, cutting all theatre and music production houses from the budget, Deventer comes up with a 'museum production house'. Because, this city says: ambitions to revive a grand and compelling idea of a Deventer Municipal Museum, and to house all local collections in that most likely far too expensive building, are impossible. Why not create a flexible organisation without too many staff , but with ideas and a pot of money to bring creative people and the Toy Museum together with the public. So from now on, that's called the Deventer Story.
Brilliant idea. We thought. So that's also why, on rare occasions, we post a link to a job posting, without anyone paying us very handsomely for it.
Comes from doing something new.
And who knows, if the idea of a museum production house catches on, they might do something like this again for the other arts. Not telling Halbe Zijlstra, of course.
Vacancy Director_cityintendant
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