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IDFA viewing tip for Friday 20 November

For 500 years, Hieronymus Bosch has captured the imagination. His paintings remain enormously expressive, even though we may now have lost sight of the ecclesiastical context. In the run-up to the major retrospective that the North Brabant Museum is organising next year, a selection of Dutch art historians and curators will set out to examine Bosch's paintings. What lies beneath the layers of paint, are they paintings by the master himself and not by his pupils? Director Pieter van Huystee follows them as they end up in a bureaucratic hell. Because fellow museums are not cooperating, everyone has their own interests to defend and there are at least two other major Bosch exhibitions to come.

Hieronymus Bosch, touched by hell -Pieter van Huystee
Hieronymus Bosch, touched by hell -Pieter van Huystee

Pieter van Huystee is best known as a producer of Dutch films. He has worked with Johan van der Keuken and Heddy Honigmann, the fine fleur of patriotic film.

What: Hieronymus Bosch, Touched by the Devil

Where: Today at Tuschinksi 1, Amsterdam, then in odner the Ketelhuis, among others.

click here For tickets and times.

Helen Westerik

Helen Westerik is a film historian and great lover of experimental films. She teaches film history and researches the body in art.View Author posts

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