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Reisopera sticks to pretensions with Mozart's Così fan tutte

Mozart's Così fan tutte performed by the Nederlandse Reisopera on 12 February at the Theatre Carré, is far from playful. Xander Straat's direction has many pretensions that deliver little substance and a static picture. The momentum of this opera giocoso is in the music itself and in the formidable voices of the young soloists.
Unreliable women
Così fan tutte, or The School for Lovers, tells four hours of women's unreliability in love. The simple story is set...

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Ewa Maria Wagner

Besides being a viola player in the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, she works as a journalist in various editorial departments. Among other things, she writes about everything directly and indirectly related to classical music and the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, among others. Since 2014, she has also been active as a reviewer for cultural websites.View Author posts

Mozart's Così fan tutte performed by the Nederlandse Reisopera on 12 February at the Theatre Carré, is far from playful. Xander Straat's direction has many pretensions that deliver little substance and a static picture. The momentum of this opera giocoso is in the music itself and in the formidable voices of the young soloists.
Unreliable women
Così fan tutte, or The School for Lovers, tells four hours of women's unreliability in love. The simple story is set...

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