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Edward Snowden and Oliver Stone make a resounding statement

In the presence of Amnesty International and Edward Snowden - via a video link from Moscow - Oliver Stone's new film Snowden premiered at Tuschinski on Thursday night. The dramatised story of the young, gifted public servant who finds himself in conscience and decides to go to the press is not very original or compellingly portrayed. But riding the wave of current events, Snowden (and Stone) do make a resounding statement at the end of this film.


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Jaïr Tchong

Formerly cultural journalist and music programmer (Tolhuistuin, Melkweg) in the Netherlands. Since 1 December 2019, music programmer for arts centre KAAP. KAAP organises two annual collaborations in Bruges and Ostend. In Ostend in its own venue by the sea, in Bruges nomadically throughout the city and with partners such as Concertgebouw Brugge, Cactus, CC Brugge and De Republiek. KAAP also organises festivals: Push the Button, Dansand, Jazz Brugge and AMOK.View Author posts

In the presence of Amnesty International and Edward Snowden - via a video link from Moscow - Oliver Stone's new film Snowden premiered at Tuschinski on Thursday night. The dramatised story of the young, gifted public servant who finds himself in conscience and decides to go to the press is not very original or compellingly portrayed. But riding the wave of current events, Snowden (and Stone) do make a resounding statement at the end of this film.


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