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How a lark and a bullet can be a combination that still makes you happy

From all sides, bird sounds can be heard. A song, a chirp. Call and response. The sky is full of them. Yet it's not birds you hear, but five strings. The acoustics of the Amstelkerk are exploited in their best qualities.

Creating programmes in a small setting, with a personal choice around a theme. This is what cellist Lidy Blijdorp profiles herself with in the Cello020 series. For the first episode, The bullet and the lark, she invited the Ragazze Quartet to perform m...

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Maarten Baanders

Free-lance arts journalist Leidsch Dagblad. Until June 2012 employee Marketing and PR at the LAKtheater in Leiden.View Author posts

From all sides, bird sounds can be heard. A song, a chirp. Call and response. The sky is full of them. Yet it's not birds you hear, but five strings. The acoustics of the Amstelkerk are exploited in their best qualities.

Creating programmes in a small setting, with a personal choice around a theme. This is what cellist Lidy Blijdorp profiles herself with in the Cello020 series. For the first episode, The bullet and the lark, she invited the Ragazze Quartet to perform m...

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