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Cinema attendance rises for tenth year: we outperform the US, France or Germany, but no Dutch film makes the top 20

The Netherlands is not going to the World Cup. Is that a tragedy or a windfall? It depends. Those in the cinema business will not mourn it. At the presentation of the annual figures, traditionally in Amsterdam's Tuschinski Theatre, Hajo Binsbergen of Filmdistributeurs Nederland also looked ahead. Thanks to missing Orange, he foresaw high cinema attendance in June and July.
Looking back, too, his mood was sunny. 'Very healthy,' he called the past cinema...

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Leo Bankersen

Leo Bankersen has been writing about film since Chinatown and Night of the Living Dead. Reviewed as a freelance film journalist for the GPD for a long time. Is now, among other things, one of the regular contributors to De Filmkrant. Likes to break a lance for children's films, documentaries and films from non-Western countries. Other specialities: digital issues and film education.View Author posts

The Netherlands is not going to the World Cup. Is that a tragedy or a windfall? It depends. Those in the cinema business will not mourn it. At the presentation of the annual figures, traditionally in Amsterdam's Tuschinski Theatre, Hajo Binsbergen of Filmdistributeurs Nederland also looked ahead. Thanks to missing Orange, he foresaw high cinema attendance in June and July.
Looking back, too, his mood was sunny. 'Very healthy,' he called the past cinema...

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