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The sneaky demolition of the National Theatre during Corona: This is just the beginning.

Albania's National Theatre, recently declared a protected monument by Europa Nostra, was unexpectedly destroyed on Sunday, 17 May, after two years of protests.

Early in the morning, when it was still dark, the bulldozers came. A sudden wave of cops wearing mouth caps chased activists and artists out of the theatre and formed a cordon to keep the audience at bay. With the grace of an executioner forcing a lover to watch under duress, the National Theatre was demolished ...

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Ruben Brugman

writing ex-dancerView Author posts

Albania's National Theatre, recently declared a protected monument by Europa Nostra, was unexpectedly destroyed on Sunday, 17 May, after two years of protests.

Early in the morning, when it was still dark, the bulldozers came. A sudden wave of cops wearing mouth caps chased activists and artists out of the theatre and formed a cordon to keep the audience at bay. With the grace of an executioner forcing a lover to watch under duress, the National Theatre was demolished ...

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