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Great local culture in Noordwijk: Opera, Painting, Art Sound and Soap

Politically, the municipality of Noordwijk is not a paragon of civilisation, fortunately sporting - football, surfing - is doing much better and in terms of culture, the coastal municipality offers a wonderful palette of theatre, music and visual arts.

So last weekend, for the 24th time already, we enjoyed Opera by the Sea. A gem of a festival that received occasional brief attention in national media, and will probably blow extra in the bus next year on its silver jubilee.
Smartest man
Always in the ...

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Peter Olsthoorn

Freelance journalist, does interviews and science for Intermediair; writes and speaks on topics including digitisation, data analytics, fraud and media for dailies/congresses; reviews theatre; and is daily grateful.View Author posts

Politically, the municipality of Noordwijk is not a paragon of civilisation, fortunately sporting - football, surfing - is doing much better and in terms of culture, the coastal municipality offers a wonderful palette of theatre, music and visual arts.

So last weekend, for the 24th time already, we enjoyed Opera by the Sea. A gem of a festival that received occasional brief attention in national media, and will probably blow extra in the bus next year on its silver jubilee.
Smartest man
Always in the ...

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