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AM LIVE - International Women's Day


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The Amsterdam Museum has started its weekly AM LIVE talk show again! Thursday 11 March's edition is dedicated to International Women's Day (8 March). The episode will be presented by Margriet Schavemaker and Ghanima Kowsoleea. At the table this edition, only women: including Raja Felgata (journalist, editor-in-chief of the annual ranking The Colourful Top 100 and founder of The Next Gen Women), Hui-Hui Pan (founder of Pan Asian Collective (PAC)), Mehri Zamanbin (PhD candidate) and Angelique Hoogmoed (Programme and location coordinator New Metropolis Zuidoost). In a panel discussion, experts and researchers will discuss the position of women.


In a report, curator Annemarie de Wildt visits Café 't Mandje on the Zeedijk (Amsterdam's first café where visitors were allowed to be openly themselves). A replica of the café is in the Amsterdam Museum.

The performance in this episode will be provided by singer Sophie Straat.

Good to know Good to know

AM Live can be watched for free every Thursday from 8.30pm via

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