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'A structural show of love for the arts and culture from The Hague is needed in the Netherlands.'

Dear outgoing Prime Minister Rutte, Dear Mark,
As a self-employed person working in the performing arts, I am writing you this letter.

This is my first ever letter on the state of the cultural sector topping corona time.

First by way of introduction: we met when I played a Scarlatti sonata especially for you on the TV programme Podium Witteman, and I also played Handel and Debussy for you and Angela Merkel at the presentation of her honorary doctorate by the Radb...

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Daria van den Bercken

Pianist for more information please watch my TED Talk View Author posts

Dear outgoing Prime Minister Rutte, Dear Mark,
As a self-employed person working in the performing arts, I am writing you this letter.

This is my first ever letter on the state of the cultural sector topping corona time.

First by way of introduction: we met when I played a Scarlatti sonata especially for you on the TV programme Podium Witteman, and I also played Handel and Debussy for you and Angela Merkel at the presentation of her honorary doctorate by the Radb...

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Welcome to the Culture Press archive! As a member, you have access to all, over 4,000 posts we have made since our inception in 2009!

(Recent posts (under three months old) are available for all to read, thanks to our members!)

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