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CLA retraining scheme for dancers declared universally binding

The collective labour agreement social fund Omscholing Dansers Nederland (CAO ODN) has been declared universally binding by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment with effect from 1 January 2023. This means that all dance companies based in the Netherlands that employ dancers are obliged to participate in the retraining scheme.

Since 1986, Stichting Omscholing Dansers Nederland (hereafter: omscholingsregeling) has played an important role in the necessary retraining of dancers who, due to the heavy physical demands of their profession, have to end their dance career well before the regular retirement age and therefore have to change career direction.

In 2022, social partners Kunstenbond and Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten (NAPK) have moved the retraining scheme into a separate collective agreement. Declaring this generally binding is an important step in making the retraining scheme sustainable, which significantly increases the labour market prospects of ex-dancers.

With the declaration of general applicability, even more dancers can now benefit from the support offered by the retraining scheme.

In the coming period, dance companies that are bound by the retraining scheme from 1 January 2023 but do not yet participate in it will be written to.

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