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The NUT and Stadsschouwburg Utrecht present: The Holiday Show Theatre, game show and dinner full of glitter, glamour and prizes. 


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On Thursday, October 26, 2023 The holiday show premiere, the NUT's autumn spectacle in collaboration with the Stadschouwburg Utrecht. On Sunday 4 June, ticket sales started via the website of the theatre. The show will play every Thursday to Sunday for a month at a yet undisclosed location in Utrecht. Directed by Ellen Goemans, text and acting by Joep Hendrikx, Floor Leene and Greg Nottrot. 

It is Saturday night, 3 February 1990, and a little Greg Nottrot shuffles in front of the television. Wet hair, pyjamas, bowl of chips. From 20:15 to 21:51, the evening is all about glitz and glamour, André Hazes in a shiny purple suit and, above all, lots of prizes. With a dazzling smile, the hero of The holiday show the evening: hererr is Frank Masmeijer!

About The holiday show

We rewind in time: it is 2014 and Frank Masmeijer is busted for cocaine smuggling. What on earth happened between the time of confetti canons and the present? Was he a crook in a glitter jacket all along, or is he the victim of ringing promises that were too good to be true? During The Holidayshow visit a fully catered, theatrical XL quiz night, about the rise and fall of game show icon Frank Masmeijer. A joyful and confusing confrontation with your own winner's mentality and expectation versus reality.

The NUT and the future of money

Every year the NUT goes wild on a social theme and this year they are breaking taboos about money. Earlier, preschoolers learned about greed and value from the mythical King Midas in the performance King bling bling and this summer Greg Nottrot knocks money out of pockets for the benefit of world improvement during Good gold money. The performance of The holiday show is the NUT's last major performance around this theme. Because theatre is not only there to look at, but above all to talk about, this performance is also accompanied by a dinner in the company's style.


Who: The NUT in collaboration with Utrecht City Theatre

Directed: Ellen Goemans

Text & play: Joep Hendrikx, Floor Leene and Greg Nottrot

Image: Sjoerd Derine

What: The holiday show

Where: Still secret

When: From 26 October to 26 November (Thurs-Sun)

Tickets: Tickets on sale from Sunday 4 June at

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