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Business leader Jannet van Lange leaves NUT 


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Utrecht, 26 June 2024 - Jannet van Lange (1982) will step down as business director of NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) in October 2024. She worked for more than 16 years with theatre producer and artistic director of NUT Greg Nottrot. 

Van Lange and Nottrot have worked together since 2008. As a freelance dramaturge, Jannet was involved in his work and helped found NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel), which was founded in 2007. She built on her substantive involvement and started as NUT's business leader in 2017. She made a mark by integrating the artistic and business models: the business frameworks and vistas always emerge from the content.

Paul Adriaanse, chairman of the board: Under Jannet's business leadership, the NUT grew into a multiyear subsidised institution, with a close-knit team of good, enthusiastic staff. She also ensured that the NUT has a place on the Berlijnplein, the cultural heart of Utrecht Leidsche Rijn that the NUT is working hard to build.

Greg Nottrot, artistic director: It was a great time and a great pleasure. Together, we created suns, literally rose from the ashes and provided fine company. Jannet is always curious, involved and driven. A fantastic partner in crime.

Jannet van Lange: Together with Greg, I have worked with great commitment and enthusiasm to build our successful company. My thanks go to board, colleagues and Greg for an instructive and inspiring time. After these years of collaboration, I feel it is time to break new ground and make room for a new chapter in my career.

Photo © Sabine Rovers

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