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Chris Keulemans

Writer, journalist, moderator, lecturer

The sign language interpreters sob along

Chris Keulemans visited the 5D InHuis Festival and was deeply impressed by what people with disabilities managed to achieve in theatre. Here is his report, for under the Christmas tree. About humour without pity, and totally unexpected displays of muscle. - Was Thomas born that way? - Well, I don't think he cut his legs himself... The jokers... 

Atelier Infini. Bosquet

Peerless: 15 stories about refugees, in 49 draws and old set paintings

This is a review of a performance that is already over, and which, moreover, I participated in myself. That's not allowed at all. But it's also a story about refugees in Europe, a theatre floating above the clouds, a church made of marzipan, tunnels in Palestine and 49 draws. So I'm doing it anyway.

Last weekend, during the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, a miracle happened at the Royal Flemish Theatre in Brussels. Scenographer Jozef Wouters and his crew had settled in the old hall with its domed roof. Completely renovated ten years ago, 'de Bol' is now an old-fashioned frame theatre equipped with the latest theatre technology. Including those 49 draws, and that was what it was all about.

On a pull,

Andalusia is Amsterdam and Amsterdam is Andalusia at Podium Mozaïek

‘Dit was eigenlijk een mixtape,’ zegt Yassine Boussaid, zaterdag 9 april 2016 na afloop van zijn concert, ‘zoals mijn neef me vroeger meegaf, voor de lange terugweg van Marokko naar Amsterdam.’  Yassine is de zakelijk leider van het Amsterdams Andalusisch Orkest (AAO). Samen met artistiek leider Mohamed Chairi en regisseur-schrijver Mohamed Aadroun zet hij in moordend tempo concerten in elkaar… 

Seven things that make Ghosts so special

1. Intimacy That the atmosphere in a packed hall becomes intimate enough for a girl in the audience to ask legendary American rapper-poet Black Ice the question: If poetry equals love, as he had just proclaimed, did it ever break your heart? Black Ice, the man who strings his associations together faster than Halbe Zijlstra strings his stupidities,... 

Hot Pepper: two languages, two war memories

Hoe maak je theater met iemand die een andere taal spreekt? Het Volksoperahuis doet het. Hete Peper is alweer de derde voorstelling die Kees Scholten en Jef Hofmeister maken met kunstenaars uit de voormalige Nederlandse kolonieën. Na Willemstad en Paramaribo gingen ze nu op reis naar Jogyakarta. Ze kwamen thuis met een verstilde, elegant vormgegeven vertelling over het gedeelde verleden… 

Waarom je naar Snorder moet (nu het nog kan)

Het theaterproject ‘Snorder‘ begon ooit als de soap waarmee de lange avonden op het festival Hollandse Nieuwe werden afgesloten. Een festival voor nieuwe toneelschrijvers, eerst in theater Cosmic, later in MC. Beide Amsterdamse theaters bestaan intussen niet meer, Hollandse Nieuwe ook niet. Maar regisseur John Leerdam en zijn crew hebben nu de ruimte gekregen voor een revival in de Balie… 

Do you still love me? Sanja Mitrovic

Football fans on stage? Sanja Mitrovic is a theatre maker with a secret

Sanja Mitrović is a theatre maker with a theme and a secret. She builds on the theme with each performance. And the secret is right on the heels of her work. Her theme is the collective: how it grows, what it is based on, how deep the mutual love can be, how the euphoria can turn into rage, how it comes from within... 

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