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Peter Olsthoorn

Freelance journalist, doet interviews en wetenschap voor Intermediair; schrijft en spreekt over onder meer digitalisering, data-analyse, fraude en media voor dagbladen/congressen; recenseert toneel; en is dagelijks dankbaar.

Publishers but also journalism on blast in show Newspaper

With the performance Krant, Dutch playwright Joeri Vos of De Veenfabriek aims to criticise the major Belgian newspaper operators in the Netherlands. But it also paints an unflattering picture of journalism. Vos, he revealed beforehand, has serious concerns about the independence of news supply. After all, Dutch dailies such as AD, Telegraaf, Volkskrant and NRC, as well as many... 

Review Hebriana: Dead-end lives

Put three neurotic sisters with their mother hen and errant brothers-in-law together in a parental holiday villa with beautifully translated text by Las Norén and you're bound to get some nasty Scandinavian family stuff. But luckily there is the wafting acquaintance Axel, a convincing role by Mark Rietman. Already at the start of the performance with the tableau de la troupe alongside... 

Great, scintillating Trojan Wars from National Theatre

Dance and ballet, theatre with gory atrocities and clattering emotions, imaginative lighting, set and costume effects and, above all, enthusiasm bursting forth. HNTjong's 'biggest production ever' with 30 actors for 50 roles is overwhelming. Thanks also to the corona crisis: the National Theatre had to postpone the performance for a year and a half and lift it over two summer holidays, with all the misery... 

No.10 of the Van Warmerdams: great pleasure, until you start dreaming of it

With Orkater, I grew into theatre as a student. In the house here is the DVD box with Alex van Warmerdam's first seven delightful films, which I still watch back regularly, now together with the youngest generation learning and enjoying. Then daily the spines of his curious books smile at me, such as the fine collection of poetry 'I created the world'.... 

Romana Vrede, Photo: Bas de Brouwer

The three-quarters empty hall gives more intimacy than a full hall. HNT always plays; warming and confusing

What impressions, what images stick? Why am I enjoying this so much? The performances during the corona crisis deliver great gratitude: that I get to experience this, that actors, writers, directors and collaborators are faithful to perform for me for weeks or even months on end. The declaration of love is mutual.

Chosen to enjoy magisterial Hans Kesting

The restless head in front of the torso, fists nervously searching for grip under the pale blue jumper. His life a relentless affliction of generations of oppression under factory labour, alcoholism and domestic violence. And deep love nonetheless, between this tormented father and son. Until almost the end of the monologue "Who killed my father?", the high bed remains untouched. Only then do they learn... 

National Theatre plays on simply brilliantly

Thank God the theatres are reopening to more audiences and The National Theatre is playing for a while longer, for instance with the infectious Every Brilliant Thing with Tamar van den Dop or Bram Suijker. At the Theater aan het Spui on Wednesday 1 July, Tamar van den Dop in the afternoon and Bram Suijker in the evening played their first Every Brilliant Thing. It is,... 

This Was The News is more enjoyable without an audience than Sunday with Lubach

We must continue to get through the already theatre-less weekends this spring and summer without Sunday with Lubach and This Was The News. Their season is over. The latter remained witty without an audience, Lubach in my opinion did not. How did that happen? Five weeks ago, when the shows first recorded it without an audience, it was noticeable that Sunday with... 

'You missed nothing about your father'

In Verstoten Vaders, Elena Lindemans impressively highlights a major, tucked-away social problem: of many tens of thousands of children who have to let go of one of their parents after a divorce. Elena: 'While making 'Wife Beats Husband' - a film about men who are victims of domestic violence - I came into contact with fathers who are abandoning their children - almost... 

Tears and pancake flour - Noël Fischer a week after Trojan Wars cancellation

Director Noël Fischer, artistic director of HNTJong, Het Nationale Theater's youth club, learned a week ago just before the first try-out that she and Trojan Wars would not be allowed on stage for the try-out, nor for Saturday's premiere. Not an ordinary performance but a marathon performance with three parts, with fodder for the mind (music) and the... 

Herman Finkers' will: don't brood on this wonderful life

Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) was componist, wetenschapper, schrijver, dokter, mysticus en oprichtster van een klooster. Dus een katholieke non, maar dan een die wel het vrouwelijk orgasme onderzocht. Die laatste paradox resoneert, besefte Herman Finkers uiteraard toen hij het scenario schreef voor ‘De Beentjes van St. Hildegard’. De beschrijving van het orgasme door Hildegard luidde: ‘Als een vrouw de liefde… 

OT Rotterdam Sartre

OT-Rotterdam brings demasqué by Jean-Paul Sartre with a brilliant role for José Kuijpers

The great philosopher of the 1968 left-wing uprisings was untrustworthy both privately and in his philosophy. His muse Simone de Beauvoir was also a victim. In almost an hour and a half, theatre company OT Rotterdam unfolds the disenchantment of De Beauvoir in a brilliant role by José Kuipers, opposite Tim Linde as ex-student leader Benny Lévy and confidant of Sartre. Kabbala Piece... 

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