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Cultural objects returned to country of origin Indonesia again

Nederland geeft op verzoek van Indonesië 288 objecten uit de Rijkscollectie terug. Tijdens de koloniale periode zijn deze voorwerpen, die van culturele betekenis zijn voor Indonesië, onterecht naar Nederland meegenomen. Minister Eppo Bruins (OCW) heeft tot de teruggave besloten. Hij volgt daarmee adviezen op van de Commissie Koloniale Collecties onder voorzitterschap van Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You. De werken bevinden zich… 

VAT on underpaid artists benefits 'working middle income'

Er zijn fijnere manieren om wakker te worden dan met de minister van Financiën. Deze Eelco Heinen stond op woensdag 18 september het Radio 1-Journaal te woord, en hij had er echt zin in. Vrolijk, monter, en vol goede moed vertelde hij hoe ze in het Kabinet-Schoof voortvarend het beleid van de VVD gingen uitvoeren. En toen volgde de volgende… 

No direct cuts to culture. Ministry of OCW does get heavy austerity task

De cultuursector kan opgelucht ademhalen. Behalve de vermaledijde verhoging van de BTW op alles wat mooi en kwetsbaar is van 9 naar 21 procent, is de Culturele Basisinfrastructuur (BIS) voor de komende vier jaar veiliggesteld. Met de gure wind uit de hoek van PVV, VVD en BBB is dat een meevaller te noemen. Er komt zelfs een bescheiden verhoging aan,… 

Minister Bruins (OCW) adopts the Culture Council's recommendations for the allocation of state subsidies to 115 institutions in the cultural basic infrastructure 2025-2028.

Decisions Cultural Basic Infrastructure 2025-202817 September 2024 | 15:39 Bruins adopts the Council for Culture's advice to grant 117 applications, from a total of 115 institutions, for the Cultural Basic Infrastructure (bis). At 13 institutions, the council gave a conditionally positive advice. Those institutions must meet the required conditions by 1 November 2024. The national cultural funds jointly honour 306... 

Monster coalition stunts against VAT increase during Royal Parade

- 20-metre-long 'receipt for society' rolled out on Budget Day- many experts and experience experts present including Splinter Chabot and Marit Bouwmeester. A broad alliance of organisations from culture, sports, events, media, books and accommodation will campaign against the VAT increase on 17 September. Two venues affected by the VAT increase, on and near the Royal procession, will be... 

Rent increase for Utrecht music teachers raises questions

Thirty-five euros an hour for a space that can just fit a piano or a drum kit. That is the rent charged by the municipality of Utrecht to music teachers who wanted to continue their practice on Utrecht's Domplein after their cooperative went bankrupt. For many of the teachers who thus became victims of their board's mismanagement, that means a cost increase 

Letter to House of Representatives: Positively Advised Cultural Institutions at Risk

Dear members of the House of Representatives,Dear cultural spokespersons, On 3 July this year, it was D-Day in the cultural sector. The Performing Arts Fund and the Cultural Council both issued their advice for the next four years. A celebratory moment, you might think. But it wasn't, after all. Of course: institutions whose applications are honoured are relieved. But happy? 

Removal of Silence grant affects 40,000 children annually  

Jeugddans dreigt landelijke dekking te verliezen BREDA – Het voorstel van de Raad voor Cultuur om de subsidie van dansgezelschap de Stilte volledig stop te zetten per 2025 heeft grote gevolgen voor 40.000 kinderen door het hele land. “Het heeft desastreuze gevolgen voor de culturele ontwikkeling van kinderen, vooral in minder goed bereikbare regio’s en buiten de Randstad”, stelt zakelijk… 

Uncoordinated pile of cuts to arts and culture leaves 350 million barren

Increase in VAT and gambling tax + reduction in municipal and government subsidies disastrous The cabinet's proposed cultural policy will result in a €350 million haircut and a negative domino effect in the arts and culture sector. This is shown today in an analysis of data from private funders, municipalities and the arts and culture sector. "Just before Budget Day, we as a consortium are sounding the alarm.... 

Amsterdam Museum and Imagine IC organise international ICOM event

Medewerkers van stadsmusea over de hele wereld komen naar Amsterdam Dit jaar organiseert het Amsterdam Museum samen met Imagine IC de internationale conferentie van stadsmusea en eigentijdse erfgoedpraktijk. Dit evenement wordt geïnitieerd vanuit ICOM, de International Council of Museums. Elk jaar krijgt een ander museum de eer om het evenement te mogen hosten. Na onder andere Moskou (2015), Mexico-Stad (2017),… 

NAPK launches sustainability award for the performing arts

Amsterdam, 5 September 2024 - The Dutch Association for the Performing Arts (NAPK) launched a new award during the Dutch Theatre Festival 2024. This award is intended for a person, body or group that, according to the jury, has made a substantial contribution to making the Dutch performing arts (ecologically) sustainable. Purpose of the award With this award, NAPK wants to create a... 

Paradiso debate 2024: We should thank NSC on our knees for VAT increase

At 1 hour and 50 minutes, it happens. That's when Nicolien van Vroonhoven, culture spokesperson for the governing NSC party, makes it clear what the fuss is about. "The cultural sector should also take a look at itself, because there are whole groups in society that have nothing to do with culture." Venue: pop temple Paradiso in Amsterdam; the occasion: a church early... 

ITA breaks with Ivo van Hove

The management of ITA (International Theatre Amsterdam) is terminating its collaboration with Ivo van Hove with immediate effect. The world-famous director of high-profile, often rather serious performances, had become discredited. An unsafe working climate had developed under his management. Not only the strict leadership by van Hove himself, but also the transgressive behaviour of his life partner and regular designer Jan Versweyveld was... 

"Musical De Tocht announces bankruptcy", but whose fault is it really? Or is it Elfsteden magic?

It's cucumber time and many journalists are on holiday, so Culture Press has to turn up to interpret something that doesn't smell quite right. This time it is the press statement the directors of De Tocht have put on their website. In it, they explain how it was possible that this musical company, Friesland's pride, could suddenly go bankrupt. In a nutshell: it was not... 

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International research facility for Holocaust research step closer

The arrival of an international research facility for Holocaust research - headquartered in the Netherlands - is a step closer. So write Minister Bruins (Education, Culture and Science) and State Secretary Karremans (Health, Welfare and Sport) in a letter to the Lower House. The cabinet has submitted the plan for this on behalf of several countries, and in cooperation with the NIOD, among others... 

Director Tessa Smeulers leaves Boulevard after 15 years

This summer, the fortieth edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard will be celebrated in 's-Hertogenbosch, with new names and old acquaintances. For director-director Tessa Smeulers, this special anniversary year is a moment to change her tack. After 15 years, she will bid farewell to Boulevard on 1 September. Head and heart "For years, my head and heart have been connected to Theatre Festival Boulevard. With great... 

Nominate new members for the Academy of Arts

Wie worden de nieuwe leden van de Akademie van Kunsten? Voor 2025 is de Akademie weer op zoek naar vooraanstaande kunstenaars uit alle disciplines die zich op basis van aantoonbare artistieke prestaties hebben onderscheiden. Kent u kunstenaars die hiervoor in aanmerking komen? Nomineer hen! Nominatie deadline is 15 september 2024, 23:59 uur. Nieuwe leden De Akademie van Kunsten brengt vooraanstaande… 

International Theatre Amsterdam makes report on sickened working climate public 

"As for the victims, it was mainly employees with managerial duties who experienced the cross-border behaviour. This seemingly contradictory result with the discussed hierarchy is explicable from the fact that the perpetrator of the transgressive behaviour in the majority of these cases is (a) board member(s) or other manager(s)." Ivo van Hove suddenly left as director last year 

Boulevard on the Parade

Positive opinions for Theatre Festival Boulevard

This week, Fonds Podiumkunsten and the Province of North Brabant announced that Theatre Festival Boulevard will also receive subsidies for the next four years. On Wednesday 3 July, the Performing Arts Fund issued its advice on national cultural subsidies for the period 2025-2028. Theatre Festival Boulevard is extremely proud of the Fund's positive advice. Thank you to the committee who gave us... 

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NAPK lanceert campagne #laathetdoeknietvallen

Amsterdam, 4 juli 2024 – Gisteren zijn de besluiten en adviezen van het Fonds Podiumkunsten, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie en de Raad voor Cultuur bekendgemaakt. Naast een enorme overvraag van het budget, zien we grote verschuivingen qua nieuwe instroom en disciplines. Dit raakt meer dan 50 gezelschappen die verbonden zijn aan de Nederlandse Associatie voor Podiumkunsten (NAPK). Als er geen budget… 

We remain the most humble theatre group in the world!

Theatre Group Alum welcomes the many newcomers in the new Arts Plan. That this is at the expense of Aluin, among others, we find surprising and of course very unfortunate. Of course, we can now report on our bewilderment at so much injustice but, after all, getting a subsidy is not a right. Although it sometimes feels that way when you have so many talented... 

Granting multiannual subsidy Fonds Podiumkunsten for Delft Fringe Festival

Delft Fringe Festival receives positive advice for policy period 2025 - 2028 by Fonds Podiumkunsten Delft, Thursday 4 July, 2024 - On Wednesday 3 July, the opinions of the Council for Culture and the State Cultural Funds were published. Delft Fringe Festival received a positive advice for the policy period 2025 - 2028 by Fonds Podiumkunsten. This means a four-year grant.... 


Maas receives positive advice for arts plan 2025-2028. On Wednesday 3 July, Maas theatre and dance received the redeeming word from the State: for the next four years, Maas will remain part of the Dutch Basic Infrastructure (BIS). More money was applied for and granted for this arts plan than the previous one. The week before, the positive advice had already come from the Municipality of Rotterdam,... 

Fltr: Madeleine Matzer, Martine Manten, Agnes Bolwiender

The Performing Arts Fund again awards Multiannual Production Grant 2025-2028 to MATZER Theaterproducties

‘s-Hertogenbosch, 3 juli 2024 – MATZER is ontzettend blij met de toekenning van de meerjarige productiesubsidie 2025 – 2028 van het Fonds Podiumkunsten. “We zien dit als een groot compliment voor ons werk en voor onze vernieuwende plannen voor de komende vier jaar en als een mooie aanmoediging om MATZER te ontwikkelen tot meerstemmig makershuis”, aldus artistiek leider Madeleine Matzer.… 

Bafflement at Silence over Culture Council's negative opinion

Today, completely unexpectedly, dance company de Stilte received a negative opinion from the Youth Performing Arts Committee of the Council for Culture. From January 2025, the company will no longer receive a subsidy from the Ministry of OC&W. Like a bolt from the blue, the assessment fell on the mat. In 2023, the company still had a positive monitor interview with the Youth Performing Arts Committee in which... 

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