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VAT 'off the table for now'. Opposition winged by Wilders cs.

The VAT increase on culture and sports is off the table (VAT increase on culture, media and sports off the table: coalition struck deal with opposition). However happy everyone is, and however holy the cabinet's promise sounds: that message is only half true. During the parliamentary debate on the Schoof?Wilders tax plan, the rather intransigent and laconic minister Heinen... 

This bill will soon be literally hanging over the head of every Dutch citizen

Today (9:00 - 10:00), representatives of a broad alliance of organisations from culture, sports, events, media, books and accommodation will hand out an embarrassing receipt to members of parliament. These confrontational financial figures show what every Dutch person will soon pay extra if the VAT increase goes through. "This bill will soon literally hang over the head of every Dutchman," the alliance warns. The... 

Culture budget debate: paragon of powerlessness minister and House

OCW Minister Eppo Bruins hopes citizens will buy more books, read more newspapers and go to the theatre more often thanks to the extra spending power hidden in the tax plans of the Schoof?Wilders Cabinet. This would offset the negative effects of the intensely 'ugly' VAT increase on vulnerable culture. During the Legislative Consultation OCW budget, Culture section, held on Monday,... 

Why we should never talk about the 'earning power' of culture again.  

"Strengthening earning capacity is a necessary condition to improve the labour market position of workers in the sector. Martin Verboom is happy to share what came out of the evaluation of the Cultural and Creative Sector Labour Market Agenda in this area. Platform ACCT is forging a coalition with partners in the sector to take up the priorities for the coming years." This was why... 

Finance minister 'not happy with some details in VAT measure', but sees no alternative

After a morning debate in the Lower House, Cabinet Schoof's tactics are clear. At least, when it comes to the controversial plan to selectively increase VAT on culture. In response to all questions from the House about why, Finance Minister Eelco Heinen replied that it should not be about details, but a "total package". Therefore, he wants... 


On Thursday 7 November, a spin-off campaign from the cultural sector will be launched: Don't Tax My Audience. In this campaign, we ask creators, artists, performers, and everyone working in the cultural and creative sector to tell us why they do not want to burden their audiences with 21% VAT. In a promo video, Huub Stapel, Sanne Wallis de Vries, Jeangu Macrooy and Gijs Scholten van Aschat call on everyone to... 

Shortlist Boekman Dissertation Prize announced

This morning, the Boekman Foundation announced the shortlist for the Boekman Dissertation Prize. After a careful procedure, three dissertation writers have now been selected from the longlist of nine dissertations that have a chance of winning the prestigious prize that will be awarded for the sixth time. The winner will be announced in April 2025 during the Culture as Problem Solver conference, in cooperation with theErasmus University Rotterdam... 

Green light for renovation of Amsterdam Museum 

Supreme court rules: renovation to start The Council of State has given the City of Amsterdam the green light on appeal to renovate the main location of the Amsterdam Museum on Kalverstraat. The Amsterdam Museum will have more and much better space for collection and public, become more sustainable and fully accessible. The renovation, which is due to this ruling by the Council of... 

'Scenes' only now no longer appears in print. Why that's pretty special.

I remember it well, it was during a meeting of the magazine industry, sometime in 2012 or 2013. A grave mood hung in the Amsterdam debate centre De Balie, because the circulation and turnover figures of the major magazine publishers (plural at the time) had just been announced. The downward trend that had started years back had nothing to do with the crisis, but... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Campaign 1TP5Lettheclothnotfall collects over 30,500 statements of support

Amsterdam, 8 October 2024 - The "Don't let the curtain fall" campaign has successfully collected more than 30,500 expressions of support from loyal audiences. The initiative was launched by 59 members of the NAPK (Dutch Association for Performing Arts), which are in danger of closing down due to the lack of multi-year subsidies. Campaign results The signatures were presented on 8 October to the culture spokespersons of... 

An oxygen mask for society: Winnie Sorgdrager and a government case

It was with a certain scepticism, I must confess, that I began Winny Sorgdrager's book "Oxygen of Society. Why Culture is a Government Issue".1 I won't elaborate; let's just say that a book about Dutch cultural policy has been published before. More than once, in fact, and in those books... 

'Cabinet still allocates extra money for Twente museums', Tubantia cried. But that is not so

It was a remarkable report, this morning. According to newspaper Tubantia, the new cabinet was still willing to make extra money available for regional museums in Twente. It would be a sum of 1.5 million euros, earmarked to set up a joint presentation of Twente's history by De Museumfabriek in Enschede and Techniekmuseum Oyfo in Hengelo. According to... 

Press release 20 September 2024: Winfred Voordendag interim business director Maas theatre and dance

Winfred Voordendag will take over the business directorship ad interim from outgoing director Bernadette Stokvis from 1 November 2024. Winfred has worked as business director or director in the arts sector for 25 years and is looking forward to starting work at Maas. Cobi van Beek, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Maas theatre and dance, on the... 

Logo of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

Cultural objects returned to country of origin Indonesia again

Nederland geeft op verzoek van Indonesië 288 objecten uit de Rijkscollectie terug. Tijdens de koloniale periode zijn deze voorwerpen, die van culturele betekenis zijn voor Indonesië, onterecht naar Nederland meegenomen. Minister Eppo Bruins (OCW) heeft tot de teruggave besloten. Hij volgt daarmee adviezen op van de Commissie Koloniale Collecties onder voorzitterschap van Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You. De werken bevinden zich… 

VAT on underpaid artists benefits 'working middle income'

There are finer ways to wake up than with the finance minister. This Eelco Heinen was speaking to the Radio 1 News on Wednesday 18 September, and he really felt like it. Cheerful, perky, and full of good cheer, he told how they were going to energetically implement VVD policies in the Schoof Cabinet. And then followed the next... 

No direct cuts to culture. Ministry of OCW does get heavy austerity task

The cultural sector can breathe a sigh of relief. Apart from the damning increase in VAT on everything beautiful and fragile from 9 to 21 per cent, the Basic Cultural Infrastructure (BIS) has been secured for the next four years. With inclement winds coming from the corner of PVV, VVD and BBB, this can be called a windfall. There is even a modest increase coming,... 

Minister Bruins (OCW) adopts the Culture Council's recommendations for the allocation of state subsidies to 115 institutions in the cultural basic infrastructure 2025-2028.

Decisions Cultural Basic Infrastructure 2025-202817 September 2024 | 15:39 Bruins adopts the Council for Culture's advice to grant 117 applications, from a total of 115 institutions, for the Cultural Basic Infrastructure (bis). At 13 institutions, the council gave a conditionally positive advice. Those institutions must meet the required conditions by 1 November 2024. The national cultural funds jointly honour 306... 

Monster coalition stunts against VAT increase during Royal Parade

- 20-metre-long 'receipt for society' rolled out on Budget Day- many experts and experience experts present including Splinter Chabot and Marit Bouwmeester. A broad alliance of organisations from culture, sports, events, media, books and accommodation will campaign against the VAT increase on 17 September. Two venues affected by the VAT increase, on and near the Royal procession, will be... 

Rent increase for Utrecht music teachers raises questions

Thirty-five euros an hour for a space that can just fit a piano or a drum kit. That is the rent charged by the municipality of Utrecht to music teachers who wanted to continue their practice on Utrecht's Domplein after their cooperative went bankrupt. For many of the teachers who thus became victims of their board's mismanagement, that means a cost increase 

Letter to House of Representatives: Positively Advised Cultural Institutions at Risk

Dear members of the House of Representatives,Dear cultural spokespersons, On 3 July this year, it was D-Day in the cultural sector. The Performing Arts Fund and the Cultural Council both issued their advice for the next four years. A celebratory moment, you might think. But it wasn't, after all. Of course: institutions whose applications are honoured are relieved. But happy? 

Removal of Silence grant affects 40,000 children annually  

Youth dance threatens to lose national coverage BREDA - The proposal by the Council for Culture to completely end the subsidy of dance company de Stilte from 2025 has major consequences for 40,000 children across the country. "It has disastrous consequences for the cultural development of children, especially in less accessible regions and outside the Randstad," argues business... 

Uncoordinated pile of cuts to arts and culture leaves 350 million barren

Increase in VAT and gambling tax + reduction in municipal and government subsidies disastrous The cabinet's proposed cultural policy will result in a €350 million haircut and a negative domino effect in the arts and culture sector. This is shown today in an analysis of data from private funders, municipalities and the arts and culture sector. "Just before Budget Day, we as a consortium are sounding the alarm.... 

Amsterdam Museum and Imagine IC organise international ICOM event

Staff from city museums around the world come to Amsterdam This year, the Amsterdam Museum, together with Imagine IC, is organising the International Conference of City Museums and Contemporary Heritage Practice. This event is initiated from ICOM, the International Council of Museums. Each year, a different museum gets the honour of hosting the event. After Moscow (2015), Mexico City (2017),... 

NAPK launches sustainability award for the performing arts

Amsterdam, 5 September 2024 - The Dutch Association for the Performing Arts (NAPK) launched a new award during the Dutch Theatre Festival 2024. This award is intended for a person, body or group that, according to the jury, has made a substantial contribution to making the Dutch performing arts (ecologically) sustainable. Purpose of the award With this award, NAPK wants to create a... 

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