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Floris Kortie on Podium Klassiek's new webpage

TV Sunday night is fun again for people who don't like farming and baking. 

The old domain of VPRO, established in decades of Meticulous and Desperate Simplism, Tegenlicht and Zomer- dan Wintergasten, languished for quite a while. Viewer terror fragmented the safely elitist offerings. BNNVARA searched for a tone and didn't find it. Cultural omnivores like yours truly could no longer turn on the TV to 2 with impunity and then, after an evening of content, turn it against... 

Jonas Staal (left) during his speech. Audience members from left to right: neske Beks, Charles Landvreugd and Karin Amatmoekrim. Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Becoming a member of NSC? - Academy of Arts stage of desperate search for engagement

"The vote for Wilders may be a dissenting vote, but apparently explicit racism is not a dealbreaker for all those people. That's terrible for someone of colour." In the stately Trippenhuis, seat of the Academy of Arts, this high word from Karin Amatmoekrim sounded extra emphatic. She was responding from the stage to a late-arriving audience member, who felt that "we... 

Arin Keshishi & the Marmoucha Orchestra

Be taken on an extraordinary journey. Arin Keshishi, the virtuoso bassist and artistic director of the renowned Marmoucha Orchestra, unveils "Self-Reflection: The Live Experience" Self-reflection of masterful bassist and artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra. In this edition, we highlight Arin Keshishi, an exceptionally talented bassist and the new artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra. His... 

Christiaan Pieter van Eeghen, Henriette de Vries (1877-1942), 1890 - Amsterdam Museum Collection

Amsterdam Museum presents exhibition on urban renovator Van Eeghen

The Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will host the exhibition The Amsterdam of Piet van Eeghen: How a merchant changed the city from 29 March to 30 June 2024. The nineteenth-century businessman and philanthropist Van Eeghen left his art collection to the city and is now part of the Amsterdam Museum's collection.... 

Turbulent Greek history. 'Niki' by Christos Chomenidis is a captivating family chronicle

In his award-winning novel Niki, Greek writer Christos Chomenidis tells the turbulent story of his mother and her family. But above all, he tells the reader about 30 years of troubled Greek history.Family chronicle With the captivating family chronicle Niki, awarded the Prix du Livre Européen two years ago, Greek writer Christos Chomenidis (1966) tells two histories: that of his mother Niki and... 

Writer Javier Zamora ©Apollo Fields

Writer Javier Zamora fled motherless alone from El Salvador to the US as a child: 'Only now do I sometimes feel happy'

When he was nine, Javier Zamora (33) travelled with the help of people smugglers from El Salvador to the United States, where his parents had been living for several years. For two months, he had no contact with his family and no one knew where he was. The deep marks this journey left only healed two decades later, partly through the writing of his memoir Solito.... 

After the End

A performance by Marmoucha featuring the dynamic duo of The Pig Factory, Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni. In a world of shadows and contrasts, Christiaan and Ali, each coloured by their own beliefs, are diametrically opposed. Their life experiences and circumstances have shaped their views and behaviour. Theatre-makers Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni take on a refreshingly outspoken and entertaining... 

The dark backrooms of the mind. Masterfully Philippe Claudel dissects human behaviour in his new novel 'Twilight'

In his new novel Twilight, Philippe Claudel dissects man's dark motives as usual. French author Philippe Claudel does not have an overly cheerful view of man, as his compellingly told novels show. Twilight is the latest shoot on the impressive tree of his oeuvre, and fits in seamlessly. As he did in previous novels such as Grey Souls (2003), The Report of Brodeck (2007)... 

Fourth edition of exhibition Collecting The City: Stories about Heron Forest, The Seafront and Museum around the Corner

From 23 February 2024 to 5 January 2025, a new edition of Collecting the City will be on show at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel. For the fourth time, museum and city join forces to bring stories of Amsterdam into the limelight. This time, the participating partners are Kazerne Reigersbos, Ongekend Zeedijk and Museum om... 

In Perspective #19: The Branch and the Blossom

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: cultural education in primary education. Ambitions of a new cabinet Spring 2003. The sun began to shine a little more and branches began to blossom. Here presented the metaphor that could serve as a title for the report that... 

Why the Culture Council's Design Thinking is going wrong

The 'Access to Culture' advice presented by the Council for Culture on Friday 25 January 2024 is causing quite a stir. The newsletter we wrote about it on Substack was eagerly received, even though it did not ask, let alone answer, all the questions raised by the advice. Since, at 230 pages, it has also become a rather voluminous document, it... 

Writer Federico Falco

Digging in the earth to dispel grief. The Plains is a beautiful, wistful novel by Federico Falco

In The Plains by Argentine writer Federico Falco, a writer returns to life in the country after breaking up with his lover. This makes for a beautiful, wistful novel about grief, origins and the nature of life itself. 'No single word tames grief. No word dispels it. No word can truly express it.' Those thoughts... 

Three performances by and at ZID Theatre in Amsterdam's Kolenkit neighbourhood during the National Theatre Weekend on 26, 27 and 28 January 2024

ZID Theatre creates multidisciplinary performances with very diverse talents, while also being a stage for these performances and for productions by other like-minded creators. We have therefore decided to open our doors for the second time for the nationalNational Theatre Weekend. What can you see at ZID? On Friday 26 January (8pm): the premiere of two performances: Circles by Issam... 

Access to culture; Towards a new system in 2029

People do not have equal access to culture in the Netherlands. This is because the supply of culture varies greatly from region to region. Also, artists or cultural institutions do not yet have an equal chance of financial support everywhere. There are calls for change from the cultural and creative field. Therefore, at the request of the State Secretary for Culture and Media on 26 January, the Council for Culture... 

Cinedans FEST '24

Cinedans exists 20 years! The anniversary edition Cinedans FEST '24 will take place from 20 to 24 March at Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam as well as online from 20 to 31 March on Cinedans WEB.For five days, Eye will be all about the international dance film with special highlights and premieres, including the arrival of special guest Celia Rowlson-Hall who will perform a... 

ICK: We, The Eyes, Maubeuge Alex Avgud

Dutch tour WE, the EYES

In the compelling performance WE, the EYES, dancers, together with virtuoso percussionists and experimental hip-hop/soul/jazz artist Pink Oculus, search for a new way of seeing. In a force field of mesmerising projections, seductive vocals, rousing beats and inspired dance, a new perspective is emerging. The performers start from the dark, forcing them to engage other senses.... 

scene photo the Silence, photo by Hans Gerristen

Back to the time when you explored the world with an open mind - The Silence

Blikvangers - performance for children aged 1 to 6 In the beginning, the world was uninhibited. Life was so pristine that curiosity did not suffer from fear or anger. Like the open gaze of one who looked at the world, so pristine was it.The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless.Discovery was a breeze. Every touch... 

Utrecht Arts Education embroiled in fighting divorce

It was a chilly Thursday evening before Christmas 2023 and a grim atmosphere hung in the wedding hall of the old Utrecht city hall. Where during the day countless Utrechters were saying yes to each other, two partners were now facing each other. They no longer looked at each other, each had gathered their own supporters. Angry words rang out from one, bewildered words from the other. Members... 

Cross-border behaviour still a major problem in music industry

Industry news. The music sector needs to be safer and more inclusive. That is the industry's own conclusion after Movisie's survey of nearly 1,000 music professionals. In it, more than 50% of respondents said they had experienced cross-border behaviour during their work in the form of discrimination, aggression or sexual abuse. During Eurosonic Noorderslag in Groningen, Taskforce launches... 

Trippenhuis Talks - Museum dialogues: soul-searching in art, science and religion

Is there anything to be said from science about the existence of the soul? And how is soul expressed in the visual arts? On Thursday 22 February, we will take you on a quest for historical views on the soul and its more current meanings. It promises to be a multifaceted evening not to be missed! This... 

Joris Linssen, photo by Jerney Hakkenberg

'I need others to flourish.' Six life insights from TV presenter Joris Linssen

In his life and work, the well-known presenter Joris Linssen (1966) experiences a lot and meets many special people. He has compiled the life insights he gained in his recently published book If you go with the flow, you will stand still. 'If you dare to choose adventure, you will be rewarded for it.' 'From taking risks, you get... 

Thérèse Cornips Stipend - Submit your application now!

Are you a writer of literary works, literary translator and/or playwright? Then apply now for the Thérèse Cornips Stipendium. One or more scholarships are awarded annually. The maximum annual amount of the Thérèse Cornips Stipend is € 12,500. This amount can be divided over several projects. Which projects are eligible? An activity, or series of... 

Edition: All Photography: Cees Elzenga/ CE20221018

Reisopera seeks new director. And an artistic colourist.

'Nina Hiddema and the supervisory board have concluded that this is a natural time for Nina to step down.' Nice sentence in the press release that appeared in the mailbox on 15 January. De Reisopera, the Enschede-based opera company that performs operas especially for everything outside Amsterdam and Maastricht, is bidding farewell to director Nina Hiddema after two years. Whether it... 

GvNH campaign image


It is time for new faces and stories that reflect the diversity of North Holland. On Monday 5 February 2024, the Frans Hals Museum and Amsterdam Museum's portrait contest will be launched. This contest - which calls on creators with and without experience to capture residents of North Holland - aims to show the diversity of the province... 

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