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National Travel Opera possibly first victim of culture cuts

The rapid austerity operation of at least 200 million on the cultural sector has yet to be fleshed out, but one thing is already clear. If it were up to state secretary Halbe Zijlstra, the National Reisopera, operating from Enschede, would stand a good chance of being killed in that operation. His request for advice to the Culture Council, sent the week before Christmas, states the following:... 

Column: "As soon as they start embracing art in the PVV, right-thinking people should start watching out."

The Hague is quite complicated for those who do not visit it on a daily basis. I was there last Monday, as a spectator at the discussion of the culture and media budget, and it has taken me until now to fully understand what is going on. For that understanding, being there live was essential. After all, to understand a social system like the Lower House, you not only have to listen to what is being said, and see who is speaking, much more important are the 'listening shots': the body language and actions of those who are not speaking.

Arts budget debated in second chamber: hardly any discussion on 200 million cut to performing arts

We were at a debate day in The Hague that was as inconspicuous as it was historic on 13 December 2010: it was about the budget of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the (first?) Rutte cabinet, and that was the budget in which, at the request of the supporting party PVV, the amount to be cut in the arts budget was set at 200 million, with heritage and museums having to... 

Introvert Keuzedebat in De Unie: Kunstenaar als participerende socioloog #dekeuze

Het debatseizoen in Rotterdam is dit jaar geopend in de vernieuwde zaal van De Unie. De net opgeleverde ruimte doet prettig en intiem aan. Des te opmerkelijker de uitspraak van gespreksleider Natasja van den Berg dat vragen vanuit de zaal niet zijn toegestaan ‘omdat die toch nergens over gaan’. Dat klinkt niet echt als warm welkom in een debatcentrum. Weliswaar leverde het… 

Cultuurwereld in actie op 24 september

Kunstbezoekers opgelet: de gezamenlijke vakbonden en beroepsorganisaties in de cultuursector roepen vrijdag 24 september uit tot landelijke actiedag. Die dag kunt u als bezoeker dus geconfronteerd worden met sprekende muzakanten en dansers. Op de website ‘Stop de culturele kaalslag’ roepen tal van kunstenaarsorganisaties (van FNV Kiem tot de Art Directors Club) de Haagse opnderhandelaars op om af te zien van… 

Opening #TF2010: 'Theatre should be at the forefront of discussion on society, instead of being dictated to by prevailing mores.'

On 2 September 2010, actress, writer, theatre and television producer Joan Nederlof opened the Dutch Theatre Festival with a speech that was as entertaining as it was provocative. As it was her turn to pronounce the annual 'State of the Theatre', Nederlof, born in 1962, seized the opportunity to call on her own generation to take a stand in the social debate. She did so in her own relatable way, known for her roles on TV (Deer Park) and in the theatre (Inside Out):

The only governing party with a coherent vision of culture is the PVV, reports the Green Left at the Paradiso Debate.

Sound recording available to listen to here!

You will hear successively Axel Rüger, director of the Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, responding to the assertion made by VVD member Mark Harbers that the art world is not entrepreneurial enough. This is followed by responses from former CDA culture spokesperson Nicolien van Vroonhoven (consistently called Nicolien van Vroemhoven by presenter Twan Huys) and former NNT actor Boris van der Ham, now culture spokesperson for D66.

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