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gunay uslu

a photorealistic image inspired by the text you provided. It depicts a lively and colourful debate scene during a cultural event at the Herz hall of TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht. The scene illustrates part of the 'Collective Creative Culture Debate', with a diverse group of participants including artists, policymakers and political figures. The atmosphere is a mix of serious discussion and informal conversation, with a focus on arts and culture policy. A digital display of DALL-E-generated interpretations of political party programmes can be seen in the background, transitioning into a series of socialist-realist artworks.

Collective Creative Culture Debate shows desperation art sector 

"But in the next week, can't you still come up with a law that enshrines art education in primary education?" A striking moment in the 'Collective Creative Culture Debate' held in a packed Herz of TivoliVredenburg on Wednesday 15 November. The Creative Coalition and Kunsten '92 made one last attempt to put arts and culture on the agenda of the... 

Michiel1972, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

'Cabinet, reign on!', says Arts '92. How did it come to this?

Above all, we must continue with the favourable arts policy initiated by the fourth Rutte cabinet. That is what the arts umbrella organisation Kunsten ´92 says in a letter in response to the fall of the last cabinet under that name. This is a remarkable turn of events after 13 years in which most of the art world wanted nothing more than to get rid of the... 

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Colonial collections returned to Indonesia and Sri Lanka

The Netherlands is returning 478 cultural objects at the request of Indonesia and Sri Lanka. During the colonial period, these objects ended up in the Netherlands unjustly, through looting or coercion, for example. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) has decided on the return. In doing so, she follows the very first recommendations of the Colonial Collections Committee chaired by Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You. The works... 

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'Peace, trust and continuity central to cultural subsidies'

Eerlijke beloning, vertrouwen in de culturele sector en minder administratieve lasten horen tot de belangrijkste uitgangspunten voor de culturele subsidieperiode 2025 – 2028. Staatssecretaris Uslu (Cultuur en Media) wil hiermee de komende jaren zoveel mogelijk rust brengen in de sector. Ook pakt ze een aantal knelpunten aan, bijvoorbeeld bij de jeugdpodiumkunsten. Zij volgt grotendeels het advies op van de Raad… 

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Dick Oostinga deputy chairman Restitutions Committee

Dick Oostinga, member of the Restitutions Committee, will temporarily lead the Restitutions Committee on Nazi looted art as deputy chairman. Last week, chairman Jacob Kohnstamm and deputy chairman Els Swaab submitted their resignations. State Secretary Uslu (Culture and Media) appointed Oostinga as deputy chairman from 1 February. The position is vacant because chairman Jacob Kohnstamm and deputy chairman Els Swaab resigned last... 

museum our dear lord on solder by rebekka mell

Positive opinion Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder for European Heritage Label

The Culture Council is positive about Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder's candidacy for a European Heritage Label (EEL). This is stated in an opinion sent today to state secretary Uslu (Culture and Media). She had asked the council for advice on the application within the theme of 'tolerance and justice'. It is up to the state secretary to decide on the basis of... 

Advice sought on application and assessment process BIS 25-28

The Culture Council is expected to issue an advice to state secretary Uslu (OCW) in March 2023 on the application and assessment process for the Cultural Basic Infrastructure for the period 2025-2028 (BIS 25-28). This was requested by the state secretary. To arrive at the advice, the council has, among other things, appointed a temporary committee for the part of its advice request that... 

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More cultural cooperation with Ukraine

Het kabinet maakt van Oekraïne een zogeheten focusland op het gebied van internationaal cultuurbeleid. Dat heeft staatssecretaris Uslu (Cultuur en Media) bekendgemaakt tijdens een overleg met Europese cultuurministers in Brussel. Door die status zijn er meer mogelijkheden voor culturele samenwerking, investeringen en uitwisseling. Staatssecretaris Uslu: ‘Juist nu is het belangrijk om ook op cultureel gebied samen te werken. Alles van… 

Anthony Heidweiller: Secretary of State, come up with a Delta Plan for a fundamental place of art in society.

Let's start yesterday with a fundamental dialogue with the entire arts sector, using the vitality and creativity of the arts as inspiration, both for the sector itself and for society as a whole. Our sector talking, thinking, participating, deciding! in good times and in bad times. Never be silent again ...

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Additional 135 million for restoration, renewal and growth of arts and culture

Staatssecretaris Gunay Uslu van Cultuur en Media presenteert vandaag haar herstelplan voor de culturele sector. Herstel, vernieuwing en groei staan centraal. Dit jaar gaat het structureel om €135 miljoen en daarna loopt het op naar €170 miljoen extra per jaar voor cultuur. De toekomst van het culturele en creatieve veld heeft door de coronacrisis onder grote druk gestaan en staat… 

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Extra steun voor de culturele en creatieve sector, met name voor zzp’ers

Sinds 26 januari zijn de deuren van de culturele en creatieve sector weer open, maar onder voorwaarden. Nog steeds gelden er strenge beperkingen voor het aantal personen in een zaal en een verplichte sluitingstijd om 22 uur. Daarom trekt het kabinet, bovenop de eerdere steun van € 195,1 miljoen voor de periode vanaf 12 november, € 56,5 miljoen extra uit… 

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