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keti koti

campaign image: PaulinaMatusiak&EddyWenting | Square Theatre

Plein Theater presents Month for Keti Koti from 31 May to 27 June with various activities around the slavery past and Surinamese cuisine.

Keti Koti month takes place annually in the month of June in the run-up to Keti Koti on 1 July. This month is dedicated to remembrance and reflection around the Netherlands' slavery past and its repercussions today. Plein Theater in Amsterdam Oost, located next to the Oosterpark and the National Monument on Slavery History, will give special consideration to... 

National Archives,, inv. 154 (Caption: Register on the Rekwesten tot den uitvoer van Slaven van het Jaar 1834-1835)


Searching for information on persons who lived in slavery on Aruba and Sint Eustatius has become easier with the online posting of two indexes and corresponding scans of colonial archives. The indexes can be searched from 30 June on the website of the Archivo Nacional Aruba (ANA) and on the website of the National Archives. In the index Aruba: slavery... 

The Maasdamme Collection at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel. Photo Amsterdam Museum, Inez Agnese

Amsterdam Museum freely accessible during Keti Koti weekend - 1 and 2 July

As part of the Remembrance Year of Slavery, the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will open its doors free of charge the weekend of 1 and 2 July. Everyone, young and old, can visit the permanent collection and exhibitions this weekend and take part in various activities. These include free Heri Heri meals, guided tours, a concert in the garden, and children can... 

'I Say Sorry' masterfully makes tangible what a madness our slavery past is.  

Saying sorry seems to be difficult, if the songs about it are to be believed, and if we measure the time it takes Dutch governments to do it. But sorry is also very easy, if you consider how often you are not pushed aside in the queue for something or other, after the word 'sorry' has sounded behind you, or -... 

'I say sorry anyway' theatre production by Theatre Group Alum and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti and slavery past on tour from the end of September

Ik zeg toch sorry a theatre performance by Theatre Group Aluin and Raymi Sambo Makes about Keti Koti, the day celebrating the (official) abolition of slavery, will be shown in Dutch theatres from the end of September. At a time when more and more municipalities and organisations are openly apologising for the slavery past or letting their own role in this period be... 

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