November Music 2020 cancelled at last minute
Due to the latest covid measures, November Music 2020 will be cancelled at the very last minute. The organisers had prepared some 70 different concerts with 9 of their own commissions corona-proof.
Due to the latest covid measures, November Music 2020 will be cancelled at the very last minute. The organisers had prepared some 70 different concerts with 9 of their own commissions corona-proof.
Ondertussen houdt November Music de moed erin: de directie zet in op live concerten met maximaal dertig man publiek. In een email-update naar pers en publiek uitte ze wel haar zorgen: ‘Het worden enkele spannende dagen. Na de persconferentie van a.s. dinsdag weten we of November Music 2020 definitief door kan gaan.
This year, November Music not only has a house composer, but also a house ensemble, the New European Ensemble. Naturally, the Hague club will play in the opening concert with Seung-Won Oh's Bosch Requiem. And, of course, they present a portrait concert with greatest hits by composer-in-residence Kaija Saariaho.
The title YeonDo refers to a death ritual by which Catholic Koreans bid farewell to their loved ones. The play will have its premiere at the Jheronimus Bosch Art Center in 's Hertogenbosch on 6 November.
Pièce de résistance will be the brand new Reconnaissance (Rusty Mirror Madrigal) for choir, percussion and double bass. Saariaho composed it commissioned by November Music and the Donaueschinger Musiktage. The first performance was scheduled at the German festival, which, however, was also cancelled. - A stroke of luck for November Music.
This year, November Music awards 10 commissions to Dutch and two to foreign composers, including a choral work for Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho. Traditionally, November Music opens with the Bosch Requiem on Friday 6 November, which of course takes on an extra charge this year. Korean-Dutch composer Seung-Won Oh draws inspiration from the YeonDo death ritual that links Korean funeral traditions with the Catholic faith. After Kate Moore and Calliope Tsoupaki, she is the third female composer of the Bosch Requiem in a row.
With a focus on the Dutch music scene, November Music aims to highlight the vitality and creativity of composers, creators and musicians during this 28th festival edition. Besides many new home-grown works, there are several concerts with leading roles for renowned foreign names. November Music 2020 takes place from 6 to 15 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch with over 80 different concerts....
Amsterdam, 8 March 2018. Today is Women's Day, no one can fail to notice. The media are brimming with articles about women's unequal pay and their still limited representation in prestigious positions. Whether in politics, business, academia or the arts. Perhaps the most conservative is the classical music world. There, the female composer has yet to...
The 70th audition of the Gaudeamus Music Week ended Sunday 11 September in TivoliVredenburg with the presentation of the Gaudeamus Award. Director Henk Heuvelmans presented the prize for composers under thirty to American Anthony Vine (1988). The prize money of five thousand euros is intended for a new composition, to be performed during a subsequent edition. The jury, consisting of...
Na afloop van de wereldpremière van Words & Beyond II: Nan Sul Hun van Seung-Won Oh gisteren in het Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, stond het publiek als één man op om Slagwerk Den Haag en de solisten toe te juichen. Het was dan ook een magische voorstelling, die herhaald wordt in De Doelen in Rotterdam en in Theater aan de…