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zid theatre

Discover a vibrant programme at ZID Theatre during National Theatre Weekend!

From 24 to 26 January 2025, ZID Theatre will open its doors in the bustling Kolenkitbuurt neighbourhood. With an intimate stories on migration and resilience, a powerful multidisciplinary production on climate change, and a poignant solo performance on women's rights, this is the time to experience art that touches and inspires.

Discover a place where art and culture celebrate diversity, meet the creators, and be inspired by the fringe programme full of dialogue and connection!

Participants FATE #4 shine on stage with solo performances at ZID Theatre

ZID Theatre is hosting a special series of performances on Thursday 12 and Saturday 14 December, in which the talented creators of FATE #4 will present their work. Unique solo performances in theatre, dance, storytelling and multidisciplinary work will mark the fourth edition of the FATE talent development programme, with a festive finale! These evenings are dedicated to diversity, creativity and the connecting... 

ZID Theatre presents ROOTS & WINGS - a mosaic of worldly stories and personal memories

Welcome to the multidisciplinary collage performance Roots & Wings on 27 September at 20.00 at ZID Theater Amsterdam! Roots & Wings is a co-creation from ZID Theater Amsterdam and Antwerp-based Madam Fortuna. The performance combines short solo performances by six different dance and theatre makers who each unleash their personal interpretation on the theme Roots & Wings. 'Where are my roots, and where do I want to go? As a maker, as a human being, as an individual'. In a mix of dance, storytelling and theatre, each maker takes the audience on a ten-minute intimate solo performance inspired by personal experiences and memories. 

ZID Theatre presents the fourth edition of FATE: talent development and training for creative newcomers!

ZID Theatre enthusiastically launches the fourth edition of FATE, the talent development programme for young, creative newcomers and creators with a refugee or migration background! Ambitious performing artists up to 30 years old are given the chance to develop their talents and realise their artistic dreams through flexible training, coaching and unique presentation opportunities. FATE opens doors to the Dutch arts and cultural landscape and offers a springboard to professional careers. Do you know any talents? Share this initiative and make sure they sign up for this special programme soon!

HISTORIA Revisited & HISTORIA Collection - Exhibition

Soon to be seen at ZID Theatre HISTORIA: A Journey through Cultures and Time HISTORIA is choreographer and dancer Issam Zemmouri's first dance solo. With a background in dance from Morocco and France, Zemmouri has been a regular at ZID Theatre in the Netherlands for over five years now. He was also an active participant in the FATE training programme (Future Academy... 

Kinan Abuakel at Podium Mozaïek photo by author

Boundless Roma pride makes opening Explorez Festival something not soon to be forgotten. 

Kinan Abuakel took his Syrian classical music with him when he fled the country. With his Saz, a Syrian stringed instrument similar to the Greek bouzouki, which in turn is derived from the Turkish Buzuk, he plays a mixture of new and classical Syrian music. I heard it by surprise at Amsterdam's Podium Mozaïek. That's how I discovered live what I... 

ZID Theatre presents programme for ExploreZ Festival 2024

A varied programme that takes visitors through groundbreaking performances and different perspectives Amsterdam, 4 April 2024 - Today, ZID Theatre is proud to present the programme for the ninth edition of the ExploreZ Festival. The multidisciplinary and international festival will take place from 7 to 18 May at various locations in Amsterdam. It promises an inspiring mix of local and international talents... 

ZID Theatre puts 'Change/Change' centre stage at ExploreZ Festival 2024

Twaalf dagen vol inspiratie, verbinding, diversiteit en reuring voor een breed publiek Amsterdam, 15 februari 2024 – ZID Theater presenteert de negende editie van het multidisciplinaire en internationale ExploreZ Festival in Amsterdam. Van 7 t/m 18 mei 2024 kunnen bezoekers twaalf dagen lang genieten van een rijke mix van theater, muziek, dans, workshops en artist talks, met als thema ‘Verandering/Change’.… 

Drie voorstellingen van en bij ZID Theater in de Amsterdamse Kolenkitbuurttijdens het Nationaal Theaterweekend op 26, 27 en 28 januari 2024

ZID Theater maakt multidisciplinaire voorstellingen met heel diverse talenten, en is tegelijkertijd ookeen podium voor deze voorstellingen en voor producties van andere, gelijkgestemde makers. Wehebben daarom besloten om voor de tweede keer onze deuren te openen voor het landelijkeNationaal Theaterweekend. Wat kunt u bij ZID zien? Op vrijdag 26 januari (20.00 uur): de première van twee voorstellingen: Circles van Issam… 

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