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#hf12 Shara Worden parle de Tout se dénouera. Et chante une nouvelle chanson

Multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter Shara Worden – also known as My Brightest Diamond – is waiting for me, armed with her ukelele. Just before the interview, she wrote a new song. Worden laughs: “There are way too many videos on the internet of me playing the same songs over and over. I thought I should try something new.”

Photo : © Denny Renshaw

De Dodo was there to hear it for the first time. In a windy corner of Amsterdam. Afterwards, we spoke about her new work, the social engagement in her lyrics, and her attempts to ‘catch’ the muse…

This sunday, Worden will be performing songs from her latest album All Things Will Unwind at the Bimhuis, together with her compatriots Brian Wolfe (drums), Nadia Sirota (viola) and ensemble.

More info on this unique, one-time event here

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Daniel Bertina

/// Journaliste culturel indépendant, critique, écrivain et dramaturge. Omnivore, il aime l'art, la culture et les médias dans toutes les gradations insondables entre l'obscurité de l'underground et le courant commercial dominant. Travaille également pour Het Parool et VPRO. Et s'entraîne au Jiu Jitsu brésilien.Voir les messages de l'auteur

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