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High praise for Curlew River; less for De Keersemaeker and Mendes #hf10

 Curlew River Photo: Bertrand Stofleth

Against every independent journalist, there are about 15 information officers in the Netherlands. It is therefore obvious that these spokespeople largely determine the image in the media. Could that be why in the newspapers and television programmes surrounding the Holland Festival, the announcements are far more numerous than the critical reviews?

A glance at last week's newspapers shows that Amal Maher's Ode to ...

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 Curlew River Photo: Bertrand Stofleth

Against every independent journalist, there are about 15 information officers in the Netherlands. It is therefore obvious that these spokespeople largely determine the image in the media. Could that be why in the newspapers and television programmes surrounding the Holland Festival, the announcements are far more numerous than the critical reviews?

A glance at last week's newspapers shows that Amal Maher's Ode to ...

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