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Culture day: not a penny for Oriëntalis, no brake on Amsterdam cutbacks and Vlissinger library unsaleable

PVV provincial councillor Faber earlier this year on the former Biblical Museum, now Orientalis: "I don't need 20 million euros to talk to a Muslim. Nor to talk to a Jew or Christian for that matter. The PVV already hates subsidies, but if it has anything to do with Islam we won't give anything."

State secretary does not give museum park Orientalis a cent
(...) Interim director Peter B...

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PVV provincial councillor Faber earlier this year on the former Biblical Museum, now Orientalis: "I don't need 20 million euros to talk to a Muslim. Nor to talk to a Jew or Christian for that matter. The PVV already hates subsidies, but if it has anything to do with Islam we won't give anything."

State secretary does not give museum park Orientalis a cent
(...) Interim director Peter B...

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