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DUS retains grant, leadership leaves

The Netherlands' most striking company when it comes to handling subsidy money has been saved. De Theaterkrant reports that the government has agreed to the new, adjusted budget, which had to be drawn up after a loss of over 2 million euros earlier this year. So the company will keep the one and a half million euros and artistic director Jos Thie and his business partner Jelle Snijder will be chased out of the city with pitch and feathers, where they can join the Supervisory Board di...

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The Netherlands' most striking company when it comes to handling subsidy money has been saved. De Theaterkrant reports that the government has agreed to the new, adjusted budget, which had to be drawn up after a loss of over 2 million euros earlier this year. So the company will keep the one and a half million euros and artistic director Jos Thie and his business partner Jelle Snijder will be chased out of the city with pitch and feathers, where they can join the Supervisory Board di...

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