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Albania special (2). Vincent van Gerven Oei: 'This country is a better breeding ground than the Netherlands'

If anyone can give a good picture of cultural development in Albania, it is Vincent van Gerven Oei. This Dutch philosopher and artist has lived in the country for five years and, as an insider and outsider, therefore has a strong opinion.

I meet him at café Bukowski in a hip entertainment district of Tirana. When the embassy told me about Van Gerven Oei, I estimated him as a musing pensionado. But the art school lecturer and philosophy professor turns out to be a hyper-active...

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Ruben Brugman

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If anyone can give a good picture of cultural development in Albania, it is Vincent van Gerven Oei. This Dutch philosopher and artist has lived in the country for five years and, as an insider and outsider, therefore has a strong opinion.

I meet him at café Bukowski in a hip entertainment district of Tirana. When the embassy told me about Van Gerven Oei, I estimated him as a musing pensionado. But the art school lecturer and philosophy professor turns out to be a hyper-active...

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