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Frans Budé: 'A poem has to have a story'

In his recent collection Achter het verdwijnpunt, death plays an important role. Poet Frans Budé lost no fewer than four poet friends in a short time and honoured them in verse. The 70-year-old poet himself still writes as avidly as in his younger years: in addition to an occasional collection about the Meuse, which will be published in May, he wrote poems for the upcoming exhibition Coming Home at the Museum aan het Vrijthof and his first novel will be published this summer. Portrait of an inspired poet.

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In his recent collection Achter het verdwijnpunt, death plays an important role. Poet Frans Budé lost no fewer than four poet friends in a short time and honoured them in verse. The 70-year-old poet himself still writes as avidly as in his younger years: in addition to an occasional collection about the Meuse, which will be published in May, he wrote poems for the upcoming exhibition Coming Home at the Museum aan het Vrijthof and his first novel will be published this summer. Portrait of an inspired poet.

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