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There will be a hotline for sexual violence and harassment in the arts. Question remains as to who will... er... staff it.

Good news! The hashtag has finally led to action. There will be a hotline. The press release came today. 'The performing arts, film and television sectors have joined forces to launch an independent and umbrella hotline for undesirable behaviour.'

This is more unique than you think. In performing arts, and certainly in film and television, unity is abysmal. Producers, broadcasting bosses and more generally 'bosses' do not usually start their day before they are have swept the floor with the rights of writers, actors and other small fry without whom their work would never be seen. Nice, then, that at this point, the sexual fauna management, did succeed.


'Parties such as industry associations, professional associations, funds and associations of employers' and employees' organisations recognise that there is a sectoral problem regarding the proper handling of complaints about integrity violations, discrimination and (sexual) abuse of power.'

The hotline will be overarching. This is especially necessary because in these sectors, people can appear in all sorts of places. Actors play in films, TV series and radio plays, as well as on stage. Directors of the more hands-off variety have performed their actions at musicals and on television sets. Good, then, that complaints can be managed and responded to centrally. This also makes the hotline very big. Perhaps too big for the two confidants who will man it.


The choice of a duo makes sense. Just one person could quickly be accused of one-sidedness. Only a man might challenge fewer women to complain; only a woman would be found suspicious by the men at the top. But then, of course, we are especially curious to know who the industry is targeting. Are they people with connections, or just complete outsiders?

I would be very much in favour of the latter, because the dependencies within the performing arts are quite high. Everyone is vulnerable, and everyone encounters each other everywhere. The us-versus-them feeling should be avoided.

Do we have any suggestions yet? I can think of a few. Share your own suggestions in the comments.


1 thought on “Er komt een meldpunt voor seksueel geweld en intimidatie in de kunsten. Vraag is nog even wie dat gaat… eh… bemensen.”

  1. In answer to your question about who the industry has in mind; an independent agency. We ((NAPK) are only client on behalf of all the supporting organisations, but behind the website and the umbrella hotline will therefore be an independent agency. Which agency is not yet known. Discussions are being held now.

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Wijbrand Schaap

Cultural journalist since 1996. Worked as theatre critic, columnist and reporter for Algemeen Dagblad, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Rotterdams Dagblad, Parool and regional newspapers through Associated Press Services. Interviews for TheaterMaker, Theatererkrant Magazine, Ons Erfdeel, Boekman. Podcast maker, likes to experiment with new media. Culture Press is called the brainchild I gave birth to in 2009. Life partner of Suzanne Brink roommate of Edje, Fonzie and Rufus. Search and find me on Mastodon.View Author posts

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