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Those who know how to find Toost Foodtruck Festival experience small-scale magic

With Toost, the Netherlands has gained a foodtruck festival that visits smaller towns rather than the capital cities. This sometimes causes local friction, but almost always gratitude. And for a consumer who feels not undressed but taken care of for a change.

Halfway through our conversation, Toost Foodtruck Festival organiser Kris de Pee (30) is tapped on his shoulder by the toilet ju...

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Anne van den Dool

With Toost, the Netherlands has gained a foodtruck festival that visits smaller towns rather than the capital cities. This sometimes causes local friction, but almost always gratitude. And for a consumer who feels not undressed but taken care of for a change.

Halfway through our conversation, Toost Foodtruck Festival organiser Kris de Pee (30) is tapped on his shoulder by the toilet ju...

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