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What is it with the dance sector in Amsterdam? Another dance production house is being deprived of subsidies.

Is production house Dansmakers Amsterdam losing its housing? Together with other institutions in the dance sector, it has made every effort to align and further develop the whole spectrum of dance facilities in Amsterdam. In 2018, for instance, the joint plan Danswerf was developed and submitted to the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) as an application for a two-year development grant. Yet the AFK rejected the application for 2019/2020 due to "a lack of artist...

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Maarten Baanders

Free-lance arts journalist Leidsch Dagblad. Until June 2012 employee Marketing and PR at the LAKtheater in Leiden.View Author posts

Is production house Dansmakers Amsterdam losing its housing? Together with other institutions in the dance sector, it has made every effort to align and further develop the whole spectrum of dance facilities in Amsterdam. In 2018, for instance, the joint plan Danswerf was developed and submitted to the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) as an application for a two-year development grant. Yet the AFK rejected the application for 2019/2020 due to "a lack of artist...

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