Lot Douze delivers to your home. By bicycle. With her Bookshop Over The Water she focuses very specifically on her neighbourhood, Amsterdam Noord. Now that everyone has to stay at home as much as possible because of the corona condition, she is experiencing an increase in demand. Online, clients in Amsterdam Noord now also know how to find her well. Her customer focus puts her in a strong position in her neighbourhood, and she knows how to keep people away from online giants like Bol.com and Amazon.
Author Jeroen Thijssen thought of something else to help bookshops through this difficult time: buy as a customer in one go what you would otherwise buy over a few months. That way, booksellers who are in acute distress due to the absence of patronage can bridge the time until things ever improve.
Lot and Jeroen talk about their survival plans in our podcast, this time co-presented with journalist Linda Huijsmans. And in passing, we also resolve a riot that arose after a column by Gerbrand Bakker in Trouw of Saturday 4 April.
Listen, and buy a book from your local bookshop.