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Hannah Roelofs

Dramaturg, speech coach and student English teacher.

Den Bosch delivered great encounters with @TFBoulevard

It was cold in Den Bosch on Sunday 16 August and it rained as if it were not August but November. Not the ideal weather for the closing night of festival Boulevard. It was, however, an atmospheric setting for some installations and the performance 'Hello fear' that were on my programme. The installations were hidden behind the Mariapavilion (Tramkade's emergency location) and despite the... 

FC Bergman geeft letterlijk en figuurlijk (de) ruimte

de sfeer Het is 30 graden in Den Bosch. Mensen met koptelefoons op klappen voor iets dat wij, de voorbijgangers, niet zien.  Bij een winkelcentrum rollen meisjes met maskers over de grond. Overal is reuring. Festival Boulevard is in volle gang en de hele stad lijkt mee te doen. De terrassen zijn vol en de stemming is opperbest. Ik baan mij… 

'Oh my sweet land', a calm tale with blood-curdling content

Theatre maker Corinne Jaber received nothing from her father about his roots, except his passion for cooking and good food -she says in an interview. The outbreak of the Syrian civil war made her curious about her father's background. Together with Palestinian author Amir Nizar Zuabi, Jaber interviewed Syrian refugees in refugee camps. The result is this monologue, in which a fictional, half-Syrian-half... 

Van Hove's 'Kings of War' is an intriguing trip

Power and leadership, can one exist without the other? Toneelgroep Amsterdam presented a sampling of three types of leaders on Sunday 14 June at the Holland Festival with 'Kings of War'. Three historical plays by Shakespeare about the struggle for power between the Houses of Lancaster and York together provided the fuel for this performance. With large black letters on a white... 

City of the Blind is ethical research and sensory experience in one

An old man strolls into the hospital ward with a transistor radio. 'Where did you go blind?' the blind people already present ask the newcomer. 'In a museum,' he replies. A moving conversation then unfolds about what was the last painting he saw, and the possibilities are projected onto the wafer-thin canvas that separates the audience from the sick room. This tot... 

Carrots, potatoes and a dash of lard on Writers Unlimited

How do you get back home mentally after a war? David van Reybrouck in conversation with Stefan Hertmans and Ian Buruma Carrots, potatoes, maybe some celery and a dash of lard, this was the monotonous winter diet of the underclass in rural Flanders in the late nineteenth century. But, outlines professor and guest speaker Louise O. Fresco in her opening column, these days it is the... 

Precisely the 'worst' speakers made TEDX Amsterdam a party

The Speech Doctor reviews: The 3 Anti-Speakers of TEDX Amsterdam 2014: Duncan Stutterheim, Ton van Oostwaard and Henk Schiffmacher. What is TEdx Amsterdam? On Friday 27 November 2014, the Netherlands' most famous TEDx, TEDx Amsterdam took place again at the Stadsschouwburg theatre. TED is a global organisation where people of name and fame (or before name and fame) show up to present their 'ideas... 

De Speechdokter recenseert: Hans de Zwart van Bits of Freedom

“ Beste vrienden van Vrije Kennis,” Met deze woorden besluit de voorzitter van Wikimedia Nederland, Frans Grijzenhout zijn welkomspraatje van de Wikipedia conferentie. In een conferentieoord op Hoog-Catharijne word ik omringd door zo’n 120 ‘ Wikipedianen’, zoals ze zichzelf noemen. Zoals in iedere subcultuur is duidelijk te zien wie er tot de vaste incrowd behoort. Wikipedianen zien er uit alsof… 

Meppelgate! (2): Living in Meppel is also a choice.

You could wait for it. Meppelgate. Marieke Heebink, top actress with Toneelgroep Amsterdam, had the audacity to say in the newspaper that she is happy to be in a sold-out 'Angels in America' in New York. "Thank God I don't have to go to Meppel" she says. Aj. Aj. How dare she! That's guaranteed to get angry reactions. And not just from Meppel.... 

How do you listen to a minor Nobel laureate? The Speech Doctor reviews: Malala

This month marks two years since 14-year-old schoolgirl Malala was gunned down by a Taliban fighter in Pakistan for standing up for her right to education. Two years later, 10 October 2014, Malala, now a 16-year-old schoolgirl, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It was not her first award, nor was it her first (thank you) speech. All... 

'My advice: make the joke earlier.' The speech doctor reviews 3 speech actors

(In Harry Potter, True Detective and Juno, they were better) Actors are like people when they go on a stage as themselves. And just like with ordinary people, I occasionally think 'that could really be better'. Soon we can check it out with the Dutch actors at the Gala of the Dutch Film Festival. With those calves. But first the... 

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