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Judith Uyterlinde (World Editions) - Animation fits well with the artistic and fictional nature of our novels

As in the animation sector, the book trade is hugely diverse. Within the Netherlands, around 4,500(!) publishing houses operate. From cooking and baking to self-help, from fact to fiction, an awful lot is written and published in the Netherlands. But there is also a publisher, World Editions, which does operate from the Netherlands, but focuses on the English market. They translate existing... 

animation michiel peeters programmer tivoli vredenburg

Michiel Peeters (TivoliVredenburg) - We want to make visual art a more prominent part of our programme

Public space is dressed up with visualisation, music video and art in many places, including TivoliVredenburg. Either via projection mapping on buildings during events, or via LED panels in shop windows and abris, but also as digital art during performances and lobbies in theatres. In TivoliVredenburg, in the heart of Utrecht, they even create separate events for it. Canvas is a programme that... 

aniamtie animation31 interview siety boerhave

Siety Boerhave - Whether animation can be timeless and live action cannot is an interesting question

Motion design and animation are often used in the visualisation of a leader. Behind the scenes of television programmes, a lot of work goes unseen. We offer an insight into everything that makes a programme. This often starts with an idea that is developed into a concept. Television design Someone who is very good at developing these concepts is Siety 

Everyone is welcome to the poems of Babs Gons

The busiest year ever in the career of word artist Babs Gons (49) gets its crowning moment with the publication of her first book of poetry, Do it anyway. A debut that, for Gons herself, feels more like a farewell than a beginning. 'For a performer like me, paper as a form is very definitive.' Erosion and sprawl Do it anyway is called 

illustration accompanying article Animation31 interview with Stephane Kaas

Animation & Stephane Kaas: 'I like to give animators a certain freedom.'

We stelden hem een aantal vragen naar zijn ervaringen en invloeden. Wat is jouw ervaring met animatie tot nu toe? ‘Als kind tekende ik graag strips. Ik maakte met een vriend de strip Kaas-Trek, een soort persiflage op Star-Trek, en die verkochten we dan aan klasgenootjes en daar kochten we snoep van. Who framed Roger Rabbit herinner ik me als… 

image accompanying article on martin koolhoven by udo prinsen

Animation & Martin Koolhoven: 'With animation, I kept thinking: what don't I know? That made me insecure.'

Animatie kwam begin 2020 dankzij Covid19 maatregelen versneld onder de aandacht als vervangende optie voor live-action. Terwijl veel filmproducties stil kwamen te liggen werkten diverse animatieproducties ‘gewoon thuis’ stevig door aan series, korte en langere films. In de sector moedigen we de gedachte tot meer gebruik van animatie natuurlijk erg aan, maar hoe simpel is het eigenlijk om zomaar over… 

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