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Oud of nieuw, klassiek of modern, minimaal of wereld. Pop. Tonaal en atonaal.

TivoliVredenburg during construction. Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Jazzpodia maken U-bocht. Jazzenzo mag weer schrijven wat het wil.

Het is verrukkeluk wanneer grote kranten kleine media klakkeloos overschrijven, en dat ze dat gratis doen? Ach, ze hebben het ook moeilijk. Zo is het kleine niche-weblog Jazzenzo na ruim een jaar gerehabiliteerd dankzij een artikel dat de chef kunst van de Volkskrant vorig jaar had overgenomen van deze site. Waar het om ging? De recensent en columnist van het… 

U-pashouders voor €5 naar TivoliVredenburg

Bezitters van een U-pas kunnen de komende maanden voor 5 euro naar bijna alle concerten, festivals en andere programma’s in TivoliVredenburg. Het Utrechtse muziekgebouw wil hiermee drempels voor cultuurbezoek verder verlagen en livemuziek toegankelijk maken voor iedereen in de stad – ook Utrechters met een kleine portemonnee.  De missie van TivoliVredenburg luidt: een leven lang muziek voor iedereen. Het muziekgebouw… 

Dutch premiere Hush at the Saariaho Festival 13 to 16 March 2025 

 Asko|Schönberg en het Muziekgebouw eren de in 2023 overleden componist Kaija Saariaho met het Saariaho Festival. Toen ze overleed, was ze op het hoogtepunt van haar roem en werd geëerd als de componist die het modernisme weer een even menselijk als sprookjesachtig gezicht gaf. Tijdens het openingsconcert wordt haar laatste werk Hush voor het eerst in Nederland gespeeld.  Nederlandse première … 

Marmoucha Orchestra in family concert series Groove Beast

In the family concert series Groove Beast, you will find out why some music makes you want to dance really hard or start tapping your foot. Together with MC Groove Beast and the band members, you will search for the groove. Sitting still is not an option, so jump, dance and clap along and unleash the beast in you.

Amazigh New Year

Welcome to this festive celebration of the Amazigh New Year, the beginning of Yennayer 2975. This special evening is dedicated to the rich and diverse culture of the Imazigh people, the original inhabitants of North Africa, with a special focus on the Amazigh regions of Morocco. The programme offers a unique blend of music, song and dance. Artists perform stories and traditions from different Amazigh regions, including the Rif, the Middle Atlas, the High Atlas and the Anti-Atlas. These stories and traditions feature authentic Amazigh melodies, traditional rhythms and dances, which together bring to life the rich culture of the Imazigh people.

New Notes Amsterdam: concerts for the adventurous listener and new music lessons

Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam, the concert series for small-scale contemporary chamber music, will again bring leading musicians and brand new compositions to the Plein Theater and the Orgelpark in Amsterdam in 2025. With a programme full of concerts for the adventurous listener and new innovative music classes, Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam offers a place for audiences and makers alike. The concerts take place on Sunday afternoons and are preceded... 

STREAM: ARTHUR VEROCAI & METROPOLE ORKEST, ft. Paula Santoro, Rogê and Ricardo Verocai 

5-8 December, Digital Theatre During the past Holland Festival, 79-year-old Brazilian music legend Arthur Verocai presented a memorable concert in a packed Concertgebouw. Together with the Metropole Orchestra and guest artists, he performed the music from his iconic 1972 debut album: a mix of bossa nova, samba, jazz, psychedelia and funk. Early this century, major hip-hop artists such as Snoop Dogg,... 

Make more music yourself! (What I learnt from November Music 2024)

When I think of new music, I have never thought of fun. Rather, you think of seriousness, subtlety, taste to be acquired and listening experiences that you might later find ordinary. But not yet. So this year during November Music, I did laugh a lot. Not roaring (an occasional one), but simply, with happiness. While in the world... 

Accordionist Vincent van Amsterdam wins Dutch Music Prize

Vincent van Amsterdam has been named winner of the Dutch Music Prize. The award is the highest recognition for a musician in classical music, awarded by the Performing Arts Fund on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. He will receive the prize on Friday 24 January 2025 at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht. It is the first time in the 43-year history of... 

Laura Bowler wrote Advert: on the tattoo as the ultimate expression of your own power

A piece of music in which the vocal soloist is given a tattoo in the last fifteen minutes, live on stage. In Laura Bowler's Advert, performed by Laura herself together with the Hamburg-based Decoder Ensemble, you can experience just that. Not unexpected when you realise that Bowler trained not only as a composer but also as a theatre maker. She studied after the conservatoire at the Royal... 

Enno Poppe looks for the most elementary particle of the drum kit #novembermusic

The drum kit is pop music's most important instrument. German composer Enno Poppe, who grew up without pop music, has a fascination for percussion. A new work can be heard during November Music this year: Streik. Composed for 10 drums. I spoke to the 1969-born composer about this work and his inspiration. Listen to the podcast: What immediately... 

Asko|Schönberg: Two world premieres at Cello Biennale

Asko|Schönberg presents two new compositions at the Cello Biennale. Commissioned by Asko|Schönberg, innovative composer Silvia Borzelli creates new work with earthbound that breaks the traditional coordination between left and right hands. Composer Guus Janssen is commissioned by the Cello Biennale to write a new composition for ensemble and four cellists. In addition to these two new works, the ensemble will play the classic Biennale Galop 2016 by... 

Special action Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam: 5-year anniversary

Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam celebrates its fifth anniversary this season! To celebrate, we have a special offer: students and professional musicians and composers can go to any Nieuwe Noten concert for only €10. Every month in Plein Theater, you get the unique chance to experience new music in an intimate setting. Nieuwe Noten Amsterdam offers a stage for contemporary chamber music.... 

Miho Hazama

Conductor turns out to be dancer: Miho Hazama leads KC Jazz Big Band

Op vrijdag 20 september leidde Grammy-genomineerd componist Miho Hazama in de Conservatoriumzaal in Amare de big band van het Koninklijk Conservatorium. En hoe. Dancer in nowhere Een sprongetje. Een plié op een been. Een relevé op de tenen. Een plié op twee benen. Het hoofd opzij en als een klok ritmisch naar de andere kant en terug. Een halve arabesque… 

November Music presents festival sections FAQ and MOODZ

Met een groot aantal compositieopdrachten en zo’n 100 concerten laat November Music tijdens de 32ste editie zien hoe divers en vitaal de nieuwste muziek is. November Music 2024 vindt plaats van 8 t/m 17 november op diverse locaties in ’s-Hertogenbosch. Met de festivalonderdelen FAQ (8 t/m 11 november) en MOODZ (vr 15 nov) is er bovendien een prikkelend aanbod van… 

Rent increase for Utrecht music teachers raises questions

Thirty-five euros an hour for a space that can just fit a piano or a drum kit. That is the rent charged by the municipality of Utrecht to music teachers who wanted to continue their practice on Utrecht's Domplein after their cooperative went bankrupt. For many of the teachers who thus became victims of their board's mismanagement, that means a cost increase 

Important things happened in Utrecht during Gaudeamus Festival 2024 

On Saturday, I caught myself having a wonderfully sexist thought. Not surprising, probably, as sexist thoughts appear to be in the standard package of the product 'man'. But there I was, sitting in a not so very full auditorium during the Gaudeamus Festival at For Real by Andrea Voets. There, the idea struck me that it was pretty weird to see a woman concentrated... 

Soprano Elisabeth Hetherington wins Dutch Music Prize

Elisabeth Hetherington has been named winner of the Dutch Music Prize. The award is the most prestigious recognition for a musician in classical music, awarded by the Performing Arts Fund on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Minister Eppo Bruins will present the award on Friday 4 October 2024 at concert hall de Doelen in Rotterdam. The commission on Elisabeth Hetherington 

Gaudeamus Festival opent met reactie op De Staat van Andriessen

21/5/2024 | Van 6 t/m 10 september 2024 vindt in Utrecht het Gaudeamus Festival plaats. Het festival omvat meer dan 45 concerten, interdisciplinaire performances, de Gaudeamus Award, workshops, lezingen en een seminar. Onder de hoogtepunten onder meer de openingsavond in TivoliVredenburg, waarin het iconische werk De Staat van Louis Andriessen centraal staat en ook een gloednieuw stuk van componist Oscar… 

Gaudeamus Festival maakt volledige programmering bekend

7 augustus 2024 – Het Gaudeamus Festival heeft deze week de volledige programmering bekendgemaakt. Het festival, dat plaatsvindt van 4 t/m 8 september op talrijke locaties in Utrecht, omvat meer dan 45 concerten, interdisciplinaire performances, de Gaudeamus Award, workshops, lezingen en een seminar. Festivalhoogtepunten Nieuwe aankondigingen Hashtag Ensemble – Second:ary Het Poolse Hashtag Ensemble ontwikkelt in samenwerking met vrijwilligers en… 

De Staat en reflecties daarop – 4 sep t/m 25 nov

Asko|Schönberg opent het nieuwe seizoen met het programma De Staat, in samenwerking met Gaudeamus Festival, Ensemble Klang, Muziekgebouw en Musica Festival Strasbourg. In de jaren ’70 schreef Louis Andriessen het meesterwerk De Staat. Als muzikaal en politiek rebel gaf hij met deze compositie een kritisch signaal af. Hij verzette zich tegen het gevestigde muziekleven en tegen het symfonieorkest in het bijzonder. Dit alles geheel in lijn… 

The Dancers sought depth with Club Gewalt, delivering a highlight of Boulevard

"How nice it would have been if, as a (male) viewer, I had really been taken out of my comfort zone by the fact that the anger was not so obviously played and commented on. How thought-provoking I would have been when they weren't making goofy faces at their Rudi Carell-German that - if implemented consistently - would have made me laugh.... 

November Music 2024: 8 to 17 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

With a large number of composition commissions and some 100 concerts, the 32nd edition of November Music shows how diverse and vital cutting-edge music is. November Music 2024 will take place from 8 to 17 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. Two top Dutch orchestras, Concertgebouw Orchestra and Radio Philharmonic Orchestra are coming to the festival for the first time and there are... 

copilot (AI): modern composers discussing with each other, photorealistic, no central perspective, black-and-white, dslr 35 mm

IN PERSPECTIVE #22: What does the Performing Arts Fund sound like for composers?

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: from noise around the Fonds Scheppende Toonkunst to laurel wreath for the Dutch Composer The adagissimo of windmills Like two bedraggled schoolboys, we sat In the meeting room opposite Reinbert de Leeuw, chairman of the Society of Dutch Composers (GeNeCo). We, Cas Smithuijsen... 

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