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Alles waarvoor mensen een podium betreden.

Gala Het Nationale Ballet foto Altin Kaftira

Groots Gala van Het Nationale Ballet zoomt in op duetten

Vrijdag 28 juni sloot Het Nationale Ballet in Amsterdam het seizoen feestelijk af met een gala. Het gezelschap van zo’n 80 dansers neemt daarin vooral relaties onder de loep. Van de 12 werken zie je maar liefst 9 duetten. Een liefdesbrief, een relatie in troubled waters, een wapenstilstand, een anticlimax, een conflict, een huwelijksdansfestijn, een levensreis, een onbereikbaar geluk, een… 

copilot (AI): modern composers discussing with each other, photorealistic, no central perspective, black-and-white, dslr 35 mm

IN PERSPECTIVE #22: What does the Performing Arts Fund sound like for composers?

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: from noise around the Fonds Scheppende Toonkunst to laurel wreath for the Dutch Composer The adagissimo of windmills Like two bedraggled schoolboys, we sat In the meeting room opposite Reinbert de Leeuw, chairman of the Society of Dutch Composers (GeNeCo). We, Cas Smithuijsen... 

Marieke Hopman new artistic director November Music

Marieke Hopman will be appointed November Music's new artistic director from 1 August 2024. She succeeds Bert Palinckx, who has been associated with the festival since 1999. Together with business director Theo van Dooremalen, Hopman will form November Music's board of directors. 'We are very happy with Marieke's arrival,' says board chairman Karen Neervoort. 'She has a lot of... 

Live at North Sea Jazz Festival: Arin Keshishi feat. Marmoucha Orchestra

On 14 July, Arin Keshishi and Marmoucha Orchestra will present "Self-Reflection: The Live Experience" at North Sea Jazz Festival. Iranian bassist, composer and artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra, Arin Keshishi, is known for combining Western techniques, classical music, jazz and flamenco. Thus, Keshishi, who also has roots in Armenian culture, brings contemporary jazz and Eastern influences... 

Asko|Schönberg presents The State and reflections on it

i.s.m. Gaudeamus Festival, Musica festival Strasbourg en Ensemble Klang, 4 sep t/m 25 nov Asko|Schönberg opent het komend seizoen met De Staat, een programma met en rond het gelijknamige iconische meesterwerk van Louis Andriessen. Dit politiek beladen werk wordt gekoppeld aan een gloednieuwe compositie van Oscar Bettison, die ooit bij Andriessen studeerde en dit seizoen onze Composer in Residence is. Een… 

Holland Festival 2024 concluded with successful 24-hour The Second Woman 

The 77th edition of the Holland Festival closed on 29 June with a minute-long standing ovation for Georgina Verbaan who showed a phenomenal acting performance in the The Second Woman, a performance by Anna Breckon and Nat Randall, in which she played the same break-up scene for a full 24 hours with a hundred most non-professional counterparts. The day before, Victor Pilon closed... 

Stage photo Second Woman by Heidrun Lohr

Rineke Dijkstra captures 24-hour theatre marathon with Georgina Verbaan  

Today, the Holland Festival presents the groundbreaking performance The Second Woman by Australian theatre-makers Anna Breckon and Nat Randall. In this theatre marathon, actress Georgina Verbaan plays the same break-up scene no less than 100 times over the course of 24 hours, each time with a different opponent. This extraordinary performance will take place on the stage of ITA (Internationaal Theater Amsterdam) and will be streamed live at Pathé... 

Gender fluid musical spectacle 'Twelfth Night' by Theatre Group Alum back on tour due to great success!

After a successful tour in season 2022-2023, musical Queer comedy Twelfth Night returns to theatres from October 2024. Writer Ayden Carlo created an adaptation of this seventeenth-century Shakespeare play. Once again featuring the infectious music of composer Willem Friede (of New Cool Collective, among others), Jaike Belfor, Jilles Flinterman, Floyd Koster, Sasha Muller and newcomer Ebony Wilson play a show... 

The Romeo. © Orpheas Emirzas

Trajal Harrell's The Romeo is the laid-back performance you need right now @Holland Festival. 

"I didn't hear a song I didn't know." Over white wine after Trajal Harrell's The Romeo, the lady was quite grumpy. I might add that I hadn't seen a move I couldn't have made myself. And yet that did not make me cranky. On the contrary: rarely have I been so happy and relaxed... 

Once maligned Brazilian hero Verocai conquers the Holland Festival.

This is what charisma looks like. Arthur Verocai, now 79, tall and lean, stylish jacket around bony shoulders, only has to look into the hall once to overwhelm the audience. In the Concertgebouw's main hall on Tuesday night, the Brazilian legend stood in front of the Metropole Orchestra to belt out work from his scarce albums. He hardly needed to... 

Business leader Jannet van Lange leaves NUT 

Utrecht, 26 June 2024 - Jannet van Lange (1982) will step down as business director of NUT (Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) in October 2024. She worked together with theatre producer and artistic director of NUT Greg Nottrot for more than 16 years. Van Lange and Nottrot have worked together since 2008. As a freelance dramaturge, Jannet was involved in his work and stood... 

Image from Sisyphe. © Louis-Daniel Vallée

Hear what Maaike Muis experienced from a man moving sand at the Holland Festival

One of the lesser-known and thus hidden gems of this Holland Festival can be found in the Transformatorhuis of Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek. In that space, a single artist spends six hours every day shovelling 40 tonnes of sand from one pile to another. It sounds strange, but those who are there make something very special 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Three days of Good Gold Money yields over €11,000 in excess capital

Theatermaker Greg Nottrot werkt doorlopend aan een idealistische droom. Drie dagen Goed goud geld levert ruim € 11.000 aan overtollig kapitaal op Utrecht – Afgelopen weekend leverde de reprise van de voorstelling Goed goud geld maar liefst € 11138,16 op. In drie dagen tijd speelde theatermaker Greg Nottrot (het NUT) voor divers publiek op Heimland Festival en in Utrecht voor… 

Katia Ledoux in Carmen. © Inés Manai

Carmen adaptation by Wu Tsang shows how to combine respect and topicality

Probably the most famous murder of a woman for what she is is that of the fictional Carmen, a free-spirited young Spanish woman with a fear of commitment. Opera composer Georges Bizet immortalised this character from a French story by Prosper de Merimée, making the crime of passionel a common term for what is none other than femicide. That habit of men killing women... 

Eleven thousand strings in a round temple: Holland Festival highlight, but also missed opportunity?

Jet fighters, drones, thunderstorms with accompanying flooding and lovely babbling brooks with the occasional bird in a pine tree. All of Austria descended on the Gashouder at Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek grounds this weekend and it is what it promised: spectacle as only Austrian music spectacle can be. Georg Friedrich Haas' work 11000 Saiten is a great superlative: surround with emdr and... 

Melencolia by Ensemble Modern at Holland Festival: Unreal music theatre about the end of everything

Future health minister and deputy prime minister Fleur Agema graduated as an architect early this century with a study on the ideal prison. Artist Jonas Staal re-examined her graduation design a few years ago. Agema appears to have an extremely dystopian vision of the world in which prisoners and guards must pass through a disorienting, inky-black, concrete hell to... 

Boulevard on the Parade

Announcement full programme 40th Boulevard

The full programme of the anniversary edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard goes online today at noon. Regular ticket sales start Tuesday 25 June at noon. Friends of Boulevard can buy tickets as early as today. At the same time, the free Boulevard Magazine No 2 will be published, again with many background articles and interviews. Experiencing together Experiencing a spectacle together, which only exists in... 

Old Signs New Sounds in TivoliVredenburg

Together with the Marmoucha Orchestra, discover the timeless journey of "Old Signs, New Sounds", merging historical richness and modern vibes. To be seen on 22 June at TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht. This special concert during Old Roots New Routes, featuring the beautiful voices of talented female vocalists with Moroccan, Turkish and Iranian roots, presents a fascinating mix of traditional folk music from... 

PR image provided by ICK Amsterdam


Met trots kondigt Internationaal Choreografisch Kunstencentrum (ICK) aan dat zij voor de tiende keer een EU-projectsubsidie heeft ontvangen, dit keer voor het baanbrekende HAMLET, onderdeel van het EU Horizon Heritage 2024 programma. Het project dat loopt tot 2027, heeft als doel de digitale transitie van de Europese Culturele en Creatieve Industrie (CCIs) te ondersteunen. Om AI toegankelijk te maken voor de Europese culturele… 

Het Zomeroffer – muziektheaterspektakel van De Warme Winkel ism Touki Delphine & Asko|Schönberg in het Amsterdamse Bostheater

25 juni t/m 4 aug Deze zomer gaat het gebeuren: de auto gaat eraan. Hij heeft ons veel gebracht, individuele vrijheid, avontuur, gemak en erotiek, maar zijn tijd is gekomen. Hij moet eraan geloven.Samen met De Warme Winkel en Touki Delphine presenteert Asko|Schönberg Het Zomeroffer. Het Zomeroffer is geïnspireerd op het fameuze Le sacre du printemps (het lenteoffer) van Igor Stravinsky. Waar in het… 

Who_s afraid of Oscar Wilde - fotografie Bas de Brouwer (naamsvermelding altijd verplicht)

Theater Kikker, voor je noodzakelijke dosis drama

Kaartverkoop voor seizoen ’24/’25 van start Op donderdag 13 juni om 12:00 uur start Theater Kikker de kaartverkoop voor theaterseizoen 24/25. Met meer dan 130 verschillende voorstellingen zit er voor iedereen iets bij. Laat je verwonderen en overdonderen door toneel, moderne dans, jeugdtheater, storytelling, performance en hiphop. Theater Kikker staat het hele jaar voor je klaar met je noodzakelijke dosis… 

Asko|Schönberg in Holland Festival: Mutability

Wereldpremière zondag 23 juni Dwalen in de muziek als tussen de bomen van een bos. Intiem, uitgestrekt en tegelijkertijd ontzagwekkend. Twaalf miniaturen in de vorm van soloinstrumenten komen op je pad. Ze weerspiegelen muzikale personages, zo veranderlijk als het leven zelf. Baanbrekend multimediaal werk Voor Mutability vroeg componist Yannis Kyriakides twaalf andere componisten om miniaturen van twee à drie minuten te schrijven. Een aantal van… 

Scene image The Silence, Photographer: Hans Gerritsen

Encounters between big paper roles in new children's show Coming and Going

Valt ie? Blijft-ie staan? Veertig rollen papier van twee meter hoog en vele meters lang spelen hun eigen rol in de Stiltes nieuwe kindervoorstelling Komen en Gaan. Tijdens het BRIK Festival op zaterdag 22 juni gaat deze voorstelling in première in het Chassé Theater in Breda. De voorstelling is een uniek samenspel tussen sopraanzanger Kelly Poukens en een danser, die elkaar ontmoeten, verlaten en… 

Dying drummer says it all in Tiago Rodrigues' Dans la Mesure de l'Impossible at the Holland Festival

Live music in the theatre, I long for it more and more. Performances in which actors are accompanied by a soundtrack, amplified with or without transmitter microphones, always only half captivate. You soon find yourself watching a kind of live performed film. But without the comfort of a cinema and the technical capabilities of the camera.... Sunday 9 June sat in... 

Dystopia wins Delft Fringe Festival Audience Award 2024

In an almost sold-out final weekend, they played the halls flat Delft, Sunday 9 June, 2024 - After two weeks full of special encounters, striking words, impressive moves, small learning moments - or, on the contrary, great ones - and hilarious moments of laughter, it is over. Delft Fringe Festival, the festival for new performing artists, announced the audience winner at the closing on Sunday evening 9 June: Dystopia with the... 

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