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Sopraan Elisabeth Hetherington wint de Nederlandse Muziekprijs

Elisabeth Hetherington is uitgeroepen tot winnaar van de Nederlandse Muziekprijs. De onderscheiding is de meest prestigieuze erkenning voor een musicus in de klassieke muziek, toegekend door het Fonds Podiumkunsten namens het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. Minister Eppo Bruins zal de prijs op vrijdag 4 oktober 2024 overhandigen in concertgebouw de Doelen in Rotterdam. De commissie over Elisabeth Hetherington… 

Gaudeamus Festival opens with reaction to The State of Andriessen

21/5/2024 | Van 6 t/m 10 september 2024 vindt in Utrecht het Gaudeamus Festival plaats. Het festival omvat meer dan 45 concerten, interdisciplinaire performances, de Gaudeamus Award, workshops, lezingen en een seminar. Onder de hoogtepunten onder meer de openingsavond in TivoliVredenburg, waarin het iconische werk De Staat van Louis Andriessen centraal staat en ook een gloednieuw stuk van componist Oscar… 

Gaudeamus Festival announces full programming

7 augustus 2024 – Het Gaudeamus Festival heeft deze week de volledige programmering bekendgemaakt. Het festival, dat plaatsvindt van 4 t/m 8 september op talrijke locaties in Utrecht, omvat meer dan 45 concerten, interdisciplinaire performances, de Gaudeamus Award, workshops, lezingen en een seminar. Festivalhoogtepunten Nieuwe aankondigingen Hashtag Ensemble – Second:ary Het Poolse Hashtag Ensemble ontwikkelt in samenwerking met vrijwilligers en… 

The State and reflections on it - 4 Sep to 25 Nov

Asko|Schönberg opent het nieuwe seizoen met het programma De Staat, in samenwerking met Gaudeamus Festival, Ensemble Klang, Muziekgebouw en Musica Festival Strasbourg. In de jaren ’70 schreef Louis Andriessen het meesterwerk De Staat. Als muzikaal en politiek rebel gaf hij met deze compositie een kritisch signaal af. Hij verzette zich tegen het gevestigde muziekleven en tegen het symfonieorkest in het bijzonder. Dit alles geheel in lijn… 

The Dancers sought depth with Club Gewalt, delivering a highlight of Boulevard

"How nice it would have been if, as a (male) viewer, I had really been taken out of my comfort zone by the fact that the anger was not so obviously played and commented on. How thought-provoking I would have been when they weren't making goofy faces at their Rudi Carell-German that - if implemented consistently - would have made me laugh.... 

November Music 2024: 8 to 17 November in 's-Hertogenbosch

With a large number of composition commissions and some 100 concerts, the 32nd edition of November Music shows how diverse and vital cutting-edge music is. November Music 2024 will take place from 8 to 17 November at various locations in 's-Hertogenbosch. Two top Dutch orchestras, Concertgebouw Orchestra and Radio Philharmonic Orchestra are coming to the festival for the first time and there are... 

copilot (AI): modern composers discussing with each other, photorealistic, no central perspective, black-and-white, dslr 35 mm

IN PERSPECTIVE #22: What does the Performing Arts Fund sound like for composers?

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: from noise around the Fonds Scheppende Toonkunst to laurel wreath for the Dutch Composer The adagissimo of windmills Like two bedraggled schoolboys, we sat In the meeting room opposite Reinbert de Leeuw, chairman of the Society of Dutch Composers (GeNeCo). We, Cas Smithuijsen... 

Marieke Hopman new artistic director November Music

Marieke Hopman will be appointed November Music's new artistic director from 1 August 2024. She succeeds Bert Palinckx, who has been associated with the festival since 1999. Together with business director Theo van Dooremalen, Hopman will form November Music's board of directors. 'We are very happy with Marieke's arrival,' says board chairman Karen Neervoort. 'She has a lot of... 

Live at North Sea Jazz Festival: Arin Keshishi feat. Marmoucha Orchestra

On 14 July, Arin Keshishi and Marmoucha Orchestra will present "Self-Reflection: The Live Experience" at North Sea Jazz Festival. Iranian bassist, composer and artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra, Arin Keshishi, is known for combining Western techniques, classical music, jazz and flamenco. Thus, Keshishi, who also has roots in Armenian culture, brings contemporary jazz and Eastern influences... 

Asko|Schönberg presents The State and reflections on it

i.c.w. Gaudeamus Festival, Musica festival Strasbourg and Ensemble Klang, 4 Sep to 25 Nov Asko|Schönberg opens the coming season with De Staat, a programme with and around Louis Andriessen's iconic masterpiece of the same name. This politically charged work is paired with a brand new composition by Oscar Bettison, who once studied with Andriessen and is our Composer in Residence this season. A... 

Once maligned Brazilian hero Verocai conquers the Holland Festival.

This is what charisma looks like. Arthur Verocai, now 79, tall and lean, stylish jacket around bony shoulders, only has to look into the hall once to overwhelm the audience. In the Concertgebouw's main hall on Tuesday night, the Brazilian legend stood in front of the Metropole Orchestra to belt out work from his scarce albums. He hardly needed to... 

Eleven thousand strings in a round temple: Holland Festival highlight, but also missed opportunity?

Jet fighters, drones, thunderstorms with accompanying flooding and lovely babbling brooks with the occasional bird in a pine tree. All of Austria descended on the Gashouder at Amsterdam's Westergasfabriek grounds this weekend and it is what it promised: spectacle as only Austrian music spectacle can be. Georg Friedrich Haas's work 11000 Saiten is a great superlative: surround with emdr and... 

Melencolia by Ensemble Modern at Holland Festival: Unreal music theatre about the end of everything

Future health minister and deputy prime minister Fleur Agema graduated as an architect early this century with a study on the ideal prison. Artist Jonas Staal re-examined her graduation design a few years ago. Agema appears to have an extremely dystopian vision of the world in which prisoners and guards must pass through a disorienting, inky-black, concrete hell to... 

Old Signs New Sounds in TivoliVredenburg

Together with the Marmoucha Orchestra, discover the timeless journey of "Old Signs, New Sounds", merging historical richness and modern vibes. To be seen on 22 June at TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht. This special concert during Old Roots New Routes, featuring the beautiful voices of talented female vocalists with Moroccan, Turkish and Iranian roots, presents a fascinating mix of traditional folk music from... 

Music with balls for Beatrix at Holland Festival

Jazz-Rock, it still exists. In all those years of sitting in the theatre, reading books or listening to David Bowie or Rufus Wainwright, I had kind of forgotten about it. Music by real men, Heavy Metal for people who have studied for it, Gothic but with several conservatory degrees under their belt. Subtle chopping where the drummer's left hand is a 17/23rd... 

Opening party Holland Festival drowns in Westergasfabriek

It was busy at Amsterdam's Westergas area, this Thursday, 6 June. Fantastic, of course, that not only do you have a couple of excellent running restaurants and clubs there, and the evening four-day march passes by while there is a big salsa party at the club near the world-famous Gashouder, but then it still feels a bit weird that the royal opening of the... 

pr image asko|schönberg

Asko|Schönberg in the Day of the Composer: Night Shift, the audience as co-maker and player

During Composer's Day, celebrate the importance as well as the joy of contemporary music and today's composers In Night Shift - The Rehearsal by Cathy Milliken, the audience playfully becomes co-makers and players. Together, musicians, choir, soloists and conductor create a world where the boundaries between them are blurred. Midsummer Night's Dream as inspiration Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream provides the starting point... 

After a successful first edition, Marmoucha is back at Eye

After a successful first edition of Eye meets Marmoucha, Marmoucha Orchestra is back at Eye for a special event: the live accompaniment of the silent film Kif Tebbi on 8 June. Kif Tebbi When the Turks loot the countryside in Libya for supplies for their troops, Mné, an Arab girl from a nomad tribe with whom Ismaïl is in love, flees through... 

Asko|Schönberg, together with four leading European music ensembles, launches a new edition of >CONNECT: The Audience as Artist< the pioneering European partnership that breaks down barriers between artists and audiences.

The new edition of >CONNECT: The Audience as Artist<, made possible by Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne, will feature a new commission by Austrian-German composer Brigitta Muntendorf as well as welcome a new fifth partner ensemble, Ensemble intercontemporain (Paris). This groundbreaking multi-year project aims to redefine the relationship between artists and audiences by involving audiences as direct participants in... 

Kinan Abuakel at Podium Mozaïek photo by author

Boundless Roma pride makes opening Explorez Festival something not soon to be forgotten. 

Kinan Abuakel took his Syrian classical music with him when he fled the country. With his Saz, a Syrian stringed instrument similar to the Greek bouzouki, which in turn is derived from the Turkish Buzuk, he plays a mixture of new and classical Syrian music. I heard it by surprise at Amsterdam's Podium Mozaïek. That's how I discovered live what I... 

No more free tickets for journalists after personal attack. Rightful action or unwanted harassment?

 "Jazzenzo no longer welcome at venues and festivals," claims online jazz magazine Jazzenzo. The reason is a letter the medium received from the BIM House on 24 April. In that letter, co-signed by an impressive number of prestigious venues and festivals such as TivoliVredenburg and North Sea Jazz, the BIM house announces that it will no longer grant free tickets to the unpaid reporters of... 

2 x Steve Reich and world premiere Tansy Davies: 18 April - Muziekgebouw

The pulse of Steve Reich's work lends itself ideally to transforming the atmosphere of a metropolis into music. Street sounds For City Life, Steve Reich took to the streets to record the sounds of New York. Conversations, car horns and alarms, a pile driver, slamming doors, as well as the beating of a heart. Played on samplers... 

Marmoucha Orchestra and Mehdi Nassouli chosen for prestigious Jazzahead! 2024

Marmoucha Orchestra and Mehdi Nassouli present "Sonic Bridges" at Jazzahead 2024: A new era in Jazz and Gnawa exploration With great enthusiasm and pride, we announce that the Marmoucha Orchestra, in collaboration with renowned Gnawa musician Mehdi Nassouli, has been selected to perform at the prestigious Jazzahead! 2024 showcase. As the largest jazz fair in Europe, Jazzahead! offers a unique... 

Credit Irakli Chelidze, Giorgi Nakashidze

Kordz x Sakamoto: Festive tribute to (film) composer Ryuichi Sakamoto (23 March - Muziekgebouw)

Together with Alexandre Kordzaia, aka Kordz, Asko|Schönberg pays a special tribute to (film) composer and synthesiser pioneer Ryuichi Sakamoto, who died a year ago. Sakomoto (1952 - March 2023) became best known for his music for films such as Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence, The Last Emperor, The Revenant and most recently the film Monster. He also pioneered synth and electropop with which... 

13th edition Delft Fringe Festival in full swing

Be surprised, entertained, moved and stimulate your brain at the Delft Fringe Festival Delft, Tuesday 5 March 2024 - This year's Delft Fringe Festival will take place from 28 May to 9 June. It is the 13th time the festival has been organised in Delft. From 410 applications, 28 makers have been selected to be seen this summer... 

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