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Dutch Film Festival, BAK and Holland Opera among those duped: Utrecht advisory committee settles old scores

Utrecht was the first of the big cities to announce the opinions issued on cultural institutions' grant applications for the next four years. Large and well-known players like the Dutch Film Festival, visual arts institutions like BAK and IMPAKT and youth opera company Holland Opera saw their applications rejected, as did Het Huis Utrecht. At the same time, the advisory committee does recommend... 

advertisement against VAT increase. (This is placed by us for free, it has not been paid for by the campaign organisation)

Unique cooperation against VAT intentions. And now move on. 

The far-right coalition Schoof 1 has - even before there is a cabinet - created a first. Never before has there been such a wide protest against a proposed tax measure. An ad appeared in all daily newspapers against plans to increase VAT on sports, culture, events and media from 9% to 21%. So we take those here... 

Madety with MS Co-Pilot on the prompt: a fridge bursting at the seams

Bring in 953 million with a VAT increase on culture? Wilders' protocabinet certainly can't do maths.

The new far-right cabinet is not going to cut cultural subsidies, even though ending subsidies for art altogether was one of Wilders party's sacred points. That those subsidies are virtually untouched should really be the big news after the presentation of the agreement between PVV, VVD, BBB and NSC, on Thursday, 16 May. That was the news only... 

WIPES FOR THE BLOOD? - Municipal choice stress; the case of Leeuwarden (IN PERSPECTIVE #21)

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: how can the municipality deal with culture in a businesslike way? The alderman was delayed. It gave me a brief opportunity to visit the toilet. But in the beautiful historic building where Leeuwarden still housed the mayors and aldermen at the time, the guest toilet was cramped.... 

Culture Monitor update: Audiences are coming back, but concerns remain

Amsterdam, 7 May 2024 - The cultural landscape is flourishing again after the corona pandemic. Visitor numbers are rising at museums, cinemas, pop stages and theatres. And nine in ten Dutch people visit one or more cultural activities every year. This is according to new analyses by the Boekman Foundation for the Culture Monitor using, among others, CBS' Vrijetijdsomnibus 2022. Still... 

Pim Deul (left) and Corné Ran (right).

Corné Ran new chairman, Pim Deul new member Supervisory Board Delft Fringe Festival

Delft, Monday 26 April 2024 - The Supervisory Board of Delft Fringe Festival Foundation has changed in composition with effect from 24 April 2024. Corné Ran has been appointed the new chairman of the supervisory body, of which he was already vice-chairman since 2019. In addition to his appointment, the Supervisory Board has also been strengthened with the arrival of a new supervisor, Pim... 

No more free tickets for journalists after personal attack. Rightful action or unwanted harassment?

 “Jazzenzo niet meer welkom bij podia en festivals”, stelt het online Jazz-magazine Jazzenzo. Aanleiding is een brief die het medium op 24 april ontving van het BIM-huis. In die brief, mede ondertekend door een indrukwekkend aantal prestigieuze podia en festivals als TivoliVredenburg en North Sea Jazz, laat het BIM-huis weten geen  vrijkaarten meer te verlenen aan de onbetaalde verslaggevers van… 

Bernadette Stokvis by Fred Ernst


Bernadette Stokvis is leaving after 11 years of service as business director of Maas theatre and dance. Her successor will be recruited soon. Stokvis has been business director at Maas since 2013. Before that, she was initiator, artistic coordinator and later business director of Korzo The Hague. Thanks in part to her leadership, Maas is a BIS company and also the largest theatre and dance company for youth in... 

Created with DALL-E 3 at the prompt "Ravine year affecting the city of Utrecht"

Ravine year 2026: Utrecht shows what consequence austerity can have

We moeten het even over het Ravijnjaar hebben. In 2026 kort de overheid immers miljarden op het gemeentefonds. Tot nu toe was dat vrij abstract, want, zeg nou eerlijk: hebben we enig idee welk geld in jouw stad waar naartoe gaat en van wie het komt? De gemeentelijke uitgaven zijn een zwarte doos. Mijn stad heeft nu op een rijtje… 

Utrecht arts education embroiled in fighting divorce (Part 2)

The Utrecht School of Music, also known as DUMS, has decided not to apply for a subsidy from the municipality. In a letter the school sent at the beginning of April to consultation partners in the Utrecht amateur arts field, the management states: "Our teachers indicated at its foundation that they did not want to be subsidised in order to guarantee independence from the municipality. However, Cultural Affairs gave... 

Created with DALL-E 3 at the prompt: "An artist being watched by supervisors in black and white, without coloured-in figures, as in a pen drawing"

Ten tips to avoid a Governance disaster

According to the site, "more than a thousand times a year within associations and foundations something goes wrong, with major consequences. Think of financial bungling, inattention of supervisors or entanglement of interests'. In the cultural sector, we are familiar with the Governance Code for Culture, which hopes to prevent 'things going wrong' with a series of recommendations. If an 'issue' hits the media... 

Timeline of the Dutch period in New York

Exhibition on New Amsterdam from an Indigenous perspective 

Amsterdam Museum werkt samen met het Museum of the City of New York en oorspronkelijke bewoners van New York Vierhonderd jaar geleden arriveerden de eerste Nederlandse kolonisten in het gebied dat nu New York is. Hun opdracht vanuit de Nederlandse West-Indische Compagnie (WIC) was om de kolonie Nieuw Nederland te stichten, met de hoofdstad Nieuw Amsterdam, op de zuidpunt van… 

"There is a wealth of new knowledge and insights in our museums"

Musea zijn niet alleen een schatkamer waarin steeds nieuwe kwaliteiten en verhalen kunnen worden gevonden, maar ook een werkplaats waarin museale professionals en het publiek samen nieuwe kennis, inzichten en ervaringen opdoen. Het museale wetenschappelijke onderzoek is van groot belang om de kennis over de collectie te verdiepen en die te onderzoeken vanuit de vragen die de samenleving van vandaag… 

The team of De Nijverheid, photographer Eric Kampherbeek

De Nijverheid receives Harm Lambers Building block for Special Art in Utrecht 2024

Utrecht - Last Saturday 30 March, cultural free port De Nijverheid received the Harm Lambers Building Block for Special Art in Utrecht. This honourable challenge trophy was presented by Utrecht dance company De Dansers, which received this biennial award for the first time in 2022. Laudatory words from the jury Josephine van Rheenen of De Dansers was laudatory in the jury report on... 

Created with DALL-E via the prompt: 'A brave female knight fighting against diversity advocates in the form of dragons.'

The Free Left fights against code diversity without sound arguments.

Free art is in danger. At least that is what the Free Left Foundation claims. The article goes around persistently on facebook: "Unfree art is not really art at all." Actress Femke Lakerveld breaks a lance for the free arts in this interview with journalist Joep van Ruiten. The occasion is a manifestation in Groningen, which will feature a number of speakers on whether... 

Tompouce from bakery kwakman

In the 'tompouce economy', culture leads the way in green;

The doughnut - American delicacy of Dutch origin - is popular. Personally, I prefer the tompouce. The name sounds chicly French, yet it is a much-appreciated Dutch treat, mainly thanks to HEMA. British economist Kate Raworth took the doughnut as a metaphor her alternative to the current growth economy. She argues that economic science is a very... 

Appointment of two new supervisory board members Amsterdam Museum

Robbert Maruanaija and Patricia de Weichs de Wenne have joined the supervisory board of the Amsterdam Museum. Amsterdam City Council's Alderman for Art and Culture Touria Meliani appointed the new members. Robbert Maruanaija (1986, born and living in Amsterdam) started his working life as a professional footballer and then switched to the creative sector. He explains that... 

New learning programme for corporate museum professionals

How do we ensure that the museum sector remains financially healthy and future-proof? In what ways can we transform museums into sustainable and attractive workplaces? And in what ways do we encourage inclusiveness and diversity? These pressing questions are at the heart of the new learning programme Leadership in Culture (LinC) x Museum Association. Challenges LinC x Museum Association was created at the initiative of the Museum Association... 

Rape under the carpet

What happens behind the scenes at organisations when they face allegations of (serious) cross-border behaviour? Trainee Emilia accuses a theatre technician at a well-known theatre company of rape. This piece is based on her story and her own research, anonymised for privacy reasons. June 2022, beer, vodka, joints and a share scooter It's party time in a city park; students... 

Sandor Somkuti: Budapest 1985. CCBY2.0Sandor Somkuti: Budapest 1985. CCBY2.0


In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: the 1985 Budapest Cultural Forum and a renewed cold war. This year marks the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Only a short time before, intense discussions between Warsaw Pact and NATO countries on security, disarmament and free cultural... 

From left to right: Alida Dors (photo: Mark Bolk), Hella Jongerius (photo: Nick Ballón), Erik van Lieshout (photo: Suzanne Weenink), Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer (photo: Stephan Vanfleteren) and Manon Uphoff (photo: Céline Simons).

New members for the Academy of Arts

De Akademie van Kunsten krijgt 5 nieuwe leden: Alida Dors, Hella Jongerius, Erik van Lieshout, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer en Manon Uphoff. Leden van de Akademie van Kunsten zijn kunstenaars uit de hele breedte van de kunsten. De nieuwe leden worden op 28 maart 2024 geïnstalleerd.  Leden van de Akademie van Kunsten hebben zich bewezen in hun vak en willen een… 

Floris Kortie on Podium Klassiek's new webpage

TV Sunday night is fun again for people who don't like farming and baking. 

Het oude domein van de VPRO, gevestigd in decennia van Nauwgezet en Wanhopig Simplisme, Tegenlicht en Zomer- dan wel Wintergasten, kwakkelde een hele tijd. Kijkcijferterreur versnipperde het veilig elitaire aanbod. BNNVARA zocht naar een toon en vond die niet. Culturele omnivoren als ondergetekende konden niet meer straffeloos de tv op 2 zetten om hem na een avond vol inhoud tegen… 

Jonas Staal (left) during his speech. Audience members from left to right: neske Beks, Charles Landvreugd and Karin Amatmoekrim. Photo: Wijbrand Schaap

Becoming a member of NSC? - Academy of Arts stage of desperate search for engagement

“De stem op Wilders is dan misschien een tegenstem, maar kennelijk is expliciet racisme geen dealbreaker voor al die mensen. Dat is voor iemand van kleur verschrikkelijk.” In het statige Trippenhuis, zetel van de Akademie van Kunsten, klonk dit hoge woord van Karin Amatmoekrim extra nadrukkelijk. Ze reageerde vanaf het podium op een laat binnengekomen toeschouwer, die vond dat ‘we’… 

In Perspective #19: The Branch and the Blossom

In the series In Perspective, Erik Akkermans looks back and ahead at developments in cultural policy and practice. Today: cultural education in primary education. Ambitions of a new cabinet Spring 2003. The sun began to shine a little more and branches began to blossom. Here presented the metaphor that could serve as a title for the report that... 

Why the Culture Council's Design Thinking is going wrong

Het advies ‘Toegang tot Cultuur’ dat de Raad voor Cultuur vrijdag 25 januari 2024 presenteerde, doet nogal wat stof opwaaien. De nieuwsbrief die we erover schreven op Substack vond gretig aftrek, ook al werden daarin niet alle vragen gesteld, laat staan beantwoord, die het advies oproept. Omdat het met 230 pagina’s ook een nogal omvangrijk document is geworden, is het… 

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