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amsterdam museum

'Friede auf Erden': art and war at Huis Willet-Holthuysen from 18 April to 9 November 2025

On the occasion of 80 years of freedom, the Amsterdam Museum invited the visual artist duo Sander Breure and Witte van Hulzen to create an exhibition of new work, taking the war past of Huis Willet-Holthuysen as the starting point. For this exhibition, Breure and Van Hulzen delved into the history of the Second World War and the role the monumental canal house played in it.... 

Appointment of new member supervisory board Amsterdam Museum

Mels Huige has joined the supervisory board of the Amsterdam Museum. The Amsterdam Municipal Executive Board recently appointed the new member. Last week, the first meeting of the supervisory board took place in which Huige participated. Mels Huige (1978) was educated in Maastricht (Master in Business Economics) and Rotterdam (RSM Erasmus University) and... 

Amsterdam Museum opens exhibition on homelessness: "(T)homeless in the city"

The Amsterdam Museum presents a new exhibition highlighting homelessness in the city, titled "Collecting the City #5: (T)homeless in the city - Stories from the streets". The exhibition can be seen from 14 February to 1 June 2025 and is organised in the context of Amsterdam's 750th anniversary. The changing face... 

Historical exhibition shows women who shaped Amsterdam

More than a hundred women who made Amsterdam finally get a stage at the Amsterdam Museum. The exhibition 'Women of Amsterdam - an ode' tells their stories, from fishmongers to architects. A kettlewoman from 1796, a Turkish women's association from the 1970s and a contemporary transgender activist. These are just a few of the more than 100 women who will be exhibiting from 14... 

Amsterdam Museum and ELJA Foundation present second exhibition featuring children's artworks

From 12 December 2024 to 4 May 2025, artworks by children will be on display at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel. These artworks will be presented as part of the ELJA Children's Museum Lab project. With this long-term project, children not only get the chance to think about the city museum of the future, but are also there... 

Green light for renovation of Amsterdam Museum 

Supreme court rules: renovation to start The Council of State has given the City of Amsterdam the green light on appeal to renovate the main location of the Amsterdam Museum on Kalverstraat. The Amsterdam Museum will have more and much better space for collection and public, become more sustainable and fully accessible. The renovation, which is due to this ruling by the Council of... 

Marriage proposal at Amsterdam Museum

In de normaal zo stille museumzaal slaakte ze een kreet van opwinding. Te midden van alle kunstwerken stond een kunstwerk speciaal gemaakt voor haar. Naast het werk zat haar partner op haar knieën. Anjulie werd door haar vriendin Geraldine ten huwelijk gevraagd in het Amsterdam Museum. Op een zonnige zaterdagmiddag bezocht Anjulie nietsvermoedend met haar partner Geraldine, wonend in Amsterdam… 

Amsterdam Museum launches 'This City is a Museum' campaign

Het Amsterdam Museum lanceert in september en oktober 2024 de corporate campagne This city is a museum. Met de campagne plaatst het Amsterdamse stadsmuseum de hele stad op een voetstuk en brengt het een eerbetoon aan Amsterdam dat vanaf 27 oktober haar 750-jarige bestaan gaat vieren. Heel Amsterdam heeft museale waarde “Met onze campagne This city is a museum nodigt… 

Amsterdam Museum and Imagine IC organise international ICOM event

Staff from city museums around the world come to Amsterdam This year, the Amsterdam Museum, together with Imagine IC, is organising the International Conference of City Museums and Contemporary Heritage Practice. This event is initiated from ICOM, the International Council of Museums. Each year, a different museum gets the honour of hosting the event. After Moscow (2015), Mexico City (2017),... 

Amsterdam Museum collects odes to women

Iedereen kan een ode maken en zo het verhaal van de stad aanvullen Het Amsterdam Museum lanceert een digitaal platform waarop iedereen een verhaal kan delen over een vrouw die impact heeft gehad op Amsterdam. Eeuwenlang zijn vrouwen ondervertegenwoordigd in het verhaal van de stad. Het Amsterdam Museum vindt het hoog tijd om hier verandering in te brengen en roept iedereen, van binnen… 

Lancering culturele INTROWEEK MBO

Het Amsterdams Platform Cultuureducatie MBO organiseert, op initiatief van de cultuurcoördinatoren van het ROC Amsterdam en Flevoland en Mediacollege Amsterdam, samen met het Amsterdam Museum, Stichting Museumnacht Amsterdam, MOCCA expertisecentrum cultuuronderwijs en CJP de eerste culturele introductieweek speciaal voor mbo-studenten in Amsterdam. De culturele INTROWEEK MBO wordt op dinsdag 3 september 2024 feestelijk gelanceerd in het Amsterdam Museum in aanwezigheid… 

Verborgen Verhalen Velsen door Coco Olakunle

Amsterdam Museum opens exhibition on new North Holland portraits

Van 26 juli tot en met 10 november 2024 is in het Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel de tentoonstelling Gezichten van Noord-Holland te zien. De tentoonstelling is het resultaat van het gelijknamige samenwerkingsproject van het Amsterdam Museum en het Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem, waarin de musea samen met inwoners zochten naar nieuwe en onvertelde verhalen uit de provincie. Gedurende het project… 

Imara Limon, Photo: Berdi Kramers

Imara Limon new head of curators Amsterdam Museum

Curator and art historian Imara Limon (Leiden, 1988) will become head of curators and member of the Amsterdam Museum's management team from 1 July. Limon has been with the museum since 2017 and was winner of the National Museum Talent Award in the same year. She made a name for herself with projects such as the New Narratives programme line, the biennial art event Refresh Amsterdam and the current exhibition Manahahtáanung or New Amsterdam? In addition to her... 

Timeline of the Dutch period in New York

Exhibition on New Amsterdam from an Indigenous perspective 

Amsterdam Museum werkt samen met het Museum of the City of New York en oorspronkelijke bewoners van New York Vierhonderd jaar geleden arriveerden de eerste Nederlandse kolonisten in het gebied dat nu New York is. Hun opdracht vanuit de Nederlandse West-Indische Compagnie (WIC) was om de kolonie Nieuw Nederland te stichten, met de hoofdstad Nieuw Amsterdam, op de zuidpunt van… 

Appointment of two new supervisory board members Amsterdam Museum

Robbert Maruanaija and Patricia de Weichs de Wenne have joined the supervisory board of the Amsterdam Museum. Amsterdam City Council's Alderman for Art and Culture Touria Meliani appointed the new members. Robbert Maruanaija (1986, born and living in Amsterdam) started his working life as a professional footballer and then switched to the creative sector. He explains that... 

Christiaan Pieter van Eeghen, Henriette de Vries (1877-1942), 1890 - Amsterdam Museum Collection

Amsterdam Museum presents exhibition on urban renovator Van Eeghen

The Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will host the exhibition The Amsterdam of Piet van Eeghen: How a merchant changed the city from 29 March to 30 June 2024. The nineteenth-century businessman and philanthropist Van Eeghen left his art collection to the city and is now part of the Amsterdam Museum's collection.... 

Fourth edition of exhibition Collecting The City: Stories about Heron Forest, The Seafront and Museum around the Corner

From 23 February 2024 to 5 January 2025, a new edition of Collecting the City will be on show at the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel. For the fourth time, museum and city join forces to bring stories of Amsterdam into the limelight. This time, the participating partners are Kazerne Reigersbos, Ongekend Zeedijk and Museum om... 

GvNH campaign image


It is time for new faces and stories that reflect the diversity of North Holland. On Monday 5 February 2024, the Frans Hals Museum and Amsterdam Museum's portrait contest will be launched. This contest - which calls on creators with and without experience to capture residents of North Holland - aims to show the diversity of the province... 

Amsterdam Museum visible on all fronts by 2023

In 2023, the Amsterdam Museum was visible physically and digitally in a variety of places, both at its locations on the Amstel and Huis Willet-Holthuysen and in the form of a multi-part documentary series, a new digital platform and programming with partners. The museum's exhibitions and public programmes attracted nearly 190,000 physical visitors at both locations, plus over 850,000 visitors on the... 

Partners Faces of North Holland. photo: Francoise Bolechowski

Amsterdam Museum presents programme for 2024

In 2024, the Amsterdam Museum has several exhibitions on the agenda, both in the building on the Amstel and in Huis Willet-Holthuysen. Among other things, 2024 will focus on the role of women in our collections, the significance of Piet van Eeghen for the history of Amsterdam and 400 years of the connection between Amsterdam and New York. New in... 

House of Vineyard in the Willet-Holthuysen House. Photo: Bete van Meeuwen.

'Grand March: The Willet-Holthuysen House through a Ballroom Lens.'

From 2 December 2023, the Amsterdam Museum will present the exhibition Grand March: Celebrating Ten Years of Dutch Ballroom Culture. The exhibition is a collaboration with House of Vineyard, the first ballroom house in the Netherlands. In the rooms of Amsterdam Museum location Huis Willet-Holthuysen, House of Vineyard shows the power of ballroom culture with stimulating fashion interventions and art installations. Interventions and installations As trailblazers of... 

Refresh Amsterdam campaign image

Second edition Refresh Amsterdam shows work by 20 artists around war and conflict

Art manifestation on urban culture with work by contemporary makers From 7 October 2023 to 25 February 2024, the second edition of Refresh Amsterdam will take place at the Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel and at various locations around the city. Refresh Amsterdam is a biennial event on Amsterdam's urban culture with work by contemporary makers. The theme of this edition is... 

Ajax shorts

Daily Paper donates football kits to Amsterdam Museum

From Thursday 10 August, the Amsterdam Museum will display the 'third jersey' and pre-match wear that Amsterdam-based fashion brand Daily Paper designed together with adidas for football club Ajax last season. As part of this, the Amsterdam Museum on the Amstel will be open free of charge to wearers of Daily Paper items from Thursday 10 to Sunday 13 August. Daily... 

Sammie Tells. Photo: Francoise Bolechowski

Events at the Amsterdam Museum - August 2023

Besides the permanent collection presentations at Amstel 51 and at Huis Willet-Holthuysen on Herengracht and changing exhibitions, the Amsterdam Museum offers a public programme - at various locations and for a diverse audience. The following events are scheduled for August 2023. Visit for the latest information. Download all images from this news brief here. 25 years of Gay Games!... 

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