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talent development

Turning back the clock 26 years. Four questions and one answer on Bussemaker's letter

Jet Bussemaker is tevreden. De komende paar jaar zal er over de subsidies die onder haar regime vallen, weinig gezeurd worden. Dat stelt zij in haar brief van dit weekend. Immers, de basis van het systeem ligt vast: er zijn grote musea, symfonie-orkesten, opera- en theaterclubs wier subsidie in beton gegoten is. Of liever gezegd: uit klassiek marmer gehouwen, want geld krijg je

Muziekschool @uckutrecht signaleert trend: ouders investeren meer in muziekeducatie

Ondanks de crisis investeren ouders graag en veel in de muzikale ontwikkeling van hun kroost. Dit constateert het Utrechts Centrum voor de Kunsten (UCK). Hun programma’s op het gebied van talentontwikkeling lopen goed. “Ouders kiezen er nu bewuster dan ooit voor om hier geld aan uit te geven. Ze komen ook steeds vaker mee naar de lessen en laten hun kinderen steeds jonger beginnen,” vertelt cellodocent Floris Dercksen.

Baldwin Live

On Wednesday 1 August 2012, the Performing Arts Fund will announce the results of the lottery that granting arts subsidies has now become. Huge cuts are looming: companies and creators that by now seemed to be a permanent part of the Dutch arts landscape will disappear. Exactly what it will look like, we know

News summary: Children have nothing to do with free museums and opposition has effects of austerity calculated

Opposition: have arts cuts calculated (...) These are cuts by the state, provinces and municipalities. The aim is to clarify how big the total cuts together are and what exactly the effects will be on supply and employment. (...) "With this request, we want to counter the politics of the short-term agenda. Good policy, including austerity policy, takes into account... 

'Conceptual thundering won't get you far in London': guest column Teunkie v.d. Sluijs

"I can fire anyone here. Except the actors." Sam Walters, artistic director of London production house the Orange Tree Theatre does not mince words. "Everyone in the office could leave. The directors too. But without actors no performance." The actor is unequivocally central to this theatre. As a director, you only prove yourself here when you get top performances out of your... 

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