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Jeroen Hatenboer

VVD: Cultuursector moet meer doen voor hetzelfde geld. En spaarpot inleveren.

Goed, het is altijd nog meer dan voormalig gedoogpartner PVV, die het hele conceptverkiezingsprogramma op een enkel A4’tje  wist te proppen. Maar in de halve pagina die de VVD, ’s lands grootste partij,  aan cultuur besteedt is het eigenlijk erger. Hier is nog overduidelijk de door Wilders en Zijlstra ingegeven rancuneuze lijn jegens alles wat maar naar Nederlandse cultuur ruikt… 

24 million for culture added! Or 80 euros! Or 0.0015 euro!

In these election times, it is just how you put it and calculate it. That 24 million extra for culture, which Pechtold triumphantly mentioned with the addition that 'the journey through the desert is over after 2016', has, for the time being, as much value as Rutte's illustrious 1,000 euros: first see, then believe. And since Pechtold gave no further explanation,... 

Vvd's Jeroen Hatenboer during paradise debate

VVD leader says sorry to art world during #paradise debate

'At the time, under the influence of the populists, we perhaps went too far in our attack on art subsidies.' So declared Jeroen Hatenboer, VVD member and culture alderman of the municipality of Enschede, during the annual Paradiso debate at the end of the Uitmarkt 2016. In the context of the current cabinet's sorry campaign, quite an interesting footnote, and entirely appropriate in the upcoming... 

Garant staan: de nieuwe manier van subsidie geven.

Het Orkest van het Oosten mag een half miljoen rood staan. Dat is de uitkomst van de ‘Stedelijke commissie’ in Enschede. Over twee weken neemt de gemeenteraad formeel het besluit, maar met de toezegging van een ruime meerderheid is elk debat dan verspilde tijd en kan het voorstel beter meteen aan de lijst hamerstukken worden toegevoegd. Dat had een maand… 

Orchestra of the East reinstated: HET Symphony Orchestra has 'new' name

Van Nederlands Symfonieorkest met internationale ambities terug naar provinciaal orkest met vooralsnog helemaal niets. Nu, op de ijzersterke oorspronkelijke naam na dan. Het zou een reclamespot voor Telfort kunnen zijn. Daartussen zitten vele verloren rechtszaken, de groteske protestnaam *****Symfonieorkest en het al even schreeuwerige HET Symfonieorkest. Het is de ultieme capitulatie van het ooit door zo’n beetje alles en iedereen… 

The disaster surrounding the eastern orchestras only intensifies. A reconstruction

A damning report by organisational consultancy Berenschot, the voluntary or involuntary departure of director Harm Mannak, repeated bickering in the State Assembly and panting reports of high salaries for directors and artistic directors, all the way to the national newspapers. It marks the chaos at HET Symfonieorkest and the lack of any form of direction, not only at the orchestra itself,... 

HET Symphony Orchestra director steps down - just before scathing report on business plan

Failing directors stay put, the Supervisory Board disqualifies itself. No other conclusion is possible after reading the counter-expertise commissioned by the province of Overijssel and carried out by Berenschot. The provincial millions intended to make the orchestra subsidy-independent have not only evaporated, but show a negative balance in every aspect. Every estimate was too optimistic,... 

No 'cash shift', no cheese slicer, but the blunt axe in Enschede

Where minister Bussemaker tries to sell the same overall budget as "an extra investment of 18 million" with the new "cash shift" and municipalities like Amsterdam use the old-fashioned cheese slicer to make cuts, the municipality of Enschede uses the blunt axe. Despite fierce opposition and 27,000 signatures from concerned citizens, the city council agreed to an additional annual cut of 600,000 on the library and... 

Enschede plays library and museum against each other

Everything comes together in Enschede. Revenue models that appear to be based on air, but are defended to the hilt by administrators. Jubilant reports on rising museum visits, but smaller museums are going under. Aldermen acting out of cultural interests, but then playing residents against each other to make draconian decisions. All this to disguise the ruins of Rutte I. A quick recap:... 

Municipal politics remain powerless over cultural policy content, this time in Enschede

Municipal cultural politics are often about 'bricks and mortar'. People put up a cultural building and then pray/hope that fantastic things will happen there, which the city council, in turn, has no money for/power over. Take Enschede. In a council meeting in which it was decided to reinvest in cultural bricks by means of a €475,000 loan, there was actually some unrest. No, not about those bricks, but about... 

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