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de stilte

Bafflement at Silence over Culture Council's negative opinion

Today, completely unexpectedly, dance company de Stilte received a negative opinion from the Youth Performing Arts Committee of the Council for Culture. From January 2025, the company will no longer receive a subsidy from the Ministry of OC&W. Like a bolt from the blue, the assessment fell on the mat. In 2023, the company still had a positive monitor interview with the Youth Performing Arts Committee in which... 

Business director Jan Baanstra leaves after 21 years at the Silence

Business director Jan Baanstra will leave Silence in autumn 2024. His successor will be recruited soon. Baanstra has been with the company since 2003. In 2008, Baanstra was appointed business director at de Stilte. Under his leadership, in collaboration with artistic director Jack Timmermans, de Stilte was included as the only newcomer in the Basic Infrastructure in 2009. Also... 

Scene image The Silence, Photographer: Hans Gerritsen

Encounters between big paper roles in new children's show Coming and Going

Valt ie? Blijft-ie staan? Veertig rollen papier van twee meter hoog en vele meters lang spelen hun eigen rol in de Stiltes nieuwe kindervoorstelling Komen en Gaan. Tijdens het BRIK Festival op zaterdag 22 juni gaat deze voorstelling in première in het Chassé Theater in Breda. De voorstelling is een uniek samenspel tussen sopraanzanger Kelly Poukens en een danser, die elkaar ontmoeten, verlaten en… 

scene photo the Silence, photo by Hans Gerristen

Back to the time when you explored the world with an open mind - The Silence

Blikvangers - performance for children aged 1 to 6 In the beginning, the world was uninhibited. Life was so pristine that curiosity did not suffer from fear or anger. Like the open gaze of one who looked at the world, so pristine was it.The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless.Discovery was a breeze. Every touch... 

image Headwinds

Premiere dance performance Tegenwind van de Stilte with Artvark saxophone quartet in Chassé theatre Breda

On Sunday 14 January at 3pm, the dance and music performance Tegenwind will premiere at the Chassé theatre in Breda, a family performance for everyone aged 7 and above. Tegenwind is the sequel to the successful collaboration of dance company de Stilte and Artvark saxophone quartet in the production Bosch in Bed. Anyone listening to Blowin' in the wind by Bob Dylan will hear a song... 

The Silence: A festival, premiere, dernière and summer

During the 7th edition of the Brabants International Children's Festival (BRIK), our latest performance Voor de Draad Ermee premiered and we presented Mankind with Paul van Kemenade and Stevko Busch for the last time. For the Wire With It premiered On Saturday 24 June, For the Wire With It premiered to a full house in the Chassé Theatre!.... 

Source: newsletter The Silence

This month at Silence: ArtUK, a teaser and more!

Auditie professionele dansers (M/V/X) op 7 april Ben jij academisch geschoold als uitvoerend danser (HBO) met onderscheidende danskwaliteiten, een proactieve instelling en affiniteit met onze jeugdige doelgroep? Meld je aan door voor vrijdag 24 maart 2023 een korte motivatie + CV met foto naar te sturen. Auditie dansstagiairs (M/V/X) op 7 april Voor het seizoen 2023/2024 zijn wij op zoek naar dansstagiairs voor 36 uur… 

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