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A Quattro Mani

Photographer Marc Brester and journalist Vivian de Gier can read and write with each other - literally. As partners in crime, they travel the world for various media, for reviews of the finest literature and personal interviews with the writers who matter. Ahead of the troops and beyond the delusion of the day.

Always a new failure. Why internationally lauded writer László Krasznahorkai experiences all his work as a failure

Great international recognition notwithstanding, Hungarian writer László Krasznahorkai himself considers every novel a failure. 'I strain my brain to the limit, but it never becomes the book it should be. So I start again. And again.' Hope for redemption lost Film adaptations of his novels and winning the prestigious Man Booker International... 

Scenes from a childhood. Hummingbird butterfly Dolores Prato gives you a special reading experience

A childhood in which nothing happens and which is as desolate as it is lonely. You would think that would hardly provide material for a book, but Dolores Prato (1892-1983) proved otherwise. Her autobiographical novel There in the Square is Nobody, roughly 800 pages thick, was published in a very much abridged version over 40 years ago. Prato, then already very elderly, was... 

How did that foot get there? A raw and cruel, but also moving story by Claudio Morandini

Snow, Dog, Foot is the great title of the first book translated into Dutch by Claudio Morandini, published by Koppernik, a publisher specialising in literary gems. The novel, which was already published in Italy in 2015 and received rave reviews, is set in the region where the author lives, the Valle d'Aosta. Main character Andelmo Farandola... 

‘Huilende mensen zochten wanhopig naar familiefoto’s’. Franco Faggiani schreef een roman over de aardbevingen in Italië

Huizen, monumenten, winkels en straten werden van de kaart geveegd. Bijna driehonderd mensen stierven onder het puin. Franco Faggiani (73) schreef een aangrijpend boek over de aardbeving die midden-Italië vijf jaar geleden trof: Soms zou ik de wind willen zijn. Succes Als het even kan trekt Franco Faggiani de Noord-Italiaanse bergen in. Ook nu bevindt hij zich in de Piëmontese… 

‘Vertel me alsjeblieft wat er is gebeurd, want ik kan het niet bevatten.’ Nicola Lagioia schreef een indringend boek over een wrede moord in Rome.

Vijf jaar geleden werd Rome opgeschrikt door een wrede, bloedige moord. Onder invloed van cocaïne en alcohol vermoordden twee bijna-dertigers zonder reden een jongeman die ze niet kenden. Schrijver en journalist Nicola Lagioia werd, net als veel andere landgenoten, gegrepen door de zaak. ‘Dit is niet alleen een verhaal over een moord, maar vooral ook over eenzaamheid.’ Manuel Foffo en… 

‘Aan vogels ben ik driekwart van mijn leven gewoon voorbijgelopen.’ Leer vogelen met schrijfster Nicolien Mizee

Ze kon nauwelijks een mus van een winterkoninkje onderscheiden, en gaf het vogels spotten bijna op. Maar inmiddels herkent schrijfster Nicolien Mizee moeiteloos een barmsijs of een waterspreeuw. Nicolien Mizee’s Vogelboek is bedoeld als stimulans voor leken zoals zijzelf. ‘Je ervaart gewoon zoveel meer van je omgeving.’ Hoe romantisch: de wilde zwaan bracht schrijfster Nicolien Mizee en haar man Rob… 

The child without a father became a father without a child. Auke Hulst wrote a novel about mourning an unborn child

Het is misschien wel zijn meest ambitieuze roman tot nu toe, en tegelijk de eerste waarover hij eigenlijk liever niet wil praten. In De Mitsukoshi Troostbaby Company snijdt schrijver Auke Hulst (46) namelijk een gevoelig en persoonlijk thema aan: de rouw om een ongeboren kind. Nabije toekomst  De Mitsukoshi Troostbaby Company is een roman zoals alleen Auke Hulst die schrijft.… 

'My housemates teach me to feel and listen' Teun Toebes (22) lives in a nursing home to change the care of people with a faltering brain from within

Teun Toebes (22) deelt keuken, badkamer en wc niet met medestudenten maar met mensen met dementie. Hij schreef er een boek over: VerpleegThuis. Het boek kwam afgelopen week binnen op nummer 1 in de Bestseller 60. Tot zijn grote vreugde, want Toebes wil zoveel mogelijk mensen bereiken met zijn missie: de zorg voor mensen met een haperend brein veranderen. ‘Het… 

Schrijver en natuurkundige Paolo Giordano: ‘Ik wil niet vergeten dat er zoveel mensen zijn gestorven.’

Als natuurkundige maakte Paolo Giordano zich grote zorgen over de ontwikkeling van Covid-19. Als schrijver kon hij die gevoelens van verontrusting duiden en delen met het publiek. In Wat ik niet wil vergeten zijn Giordano’s artikelen gebundeld. ‘Het zou een zonde zijn als al dit lijden en al die doden voor niets zijn geweest.’ Bewust van het gevaar Toen hij… 

'I'm much happier than I was three years ago.' Singer Sam Bettens on his transition and new, 'revealing' music video

Vrienden noemen hem brother. Zijn kinderen zeggen papa. Ooit hoop hij opa te worden. Sam Bettens (49) was wereldwijd bekend als zangeres van de Belgische band K’s Choice toen hij besloot in transitie te gaan. En nu loopt hij in zwembroek over het strand: ‘Ik wil mezelf nooit meer verbergen.’ Tomboy Als jong meisje was Sam Bettens een tomboy en droeg hij de… 

'Think about your life before something bad happens to you'. The latest interview with Ruud ten Wolde

For RTL-Boulevard reporter Ruud ten Wolde (29), these weeks would be dominated by his book Ill Happy, which comes in at number 1 in the Bestseller 60 this week, in which he writes about his illness and the insights it has brought him. Although he had been ill for six years, he still died suddenly recently. We spoke to him five... 

Betrayal as an act of love. Review of 'A friendship' by Silvia Avallone

'And then I had to realise that too: that you cannot live, cannot grow, without experiencing a wrong friendship.' That is the conclusion drawn by Elisa, the protagonist of Silvia Avallone's new novel A Friendship. Many people will probably recognise it, that attraction to a friend or girlfriend who is not actually right for you or right for you, but... 

Too divided for unity. How a booklet on yoga nearly brought writer Emmanuel Carrère to the brink of collapse

A light-hearted and delicate little book on yoga is what French author Emmanuel Carrère intends to write. By this he does not mean the glorified form of gymnastics that so many practise, no, he is talking about the sacred yoga that leads to calming the mind, to serenity and pure perception of what is. Al also goes after... 

Forever a little uprooted. New novel Jesús Carrasco is a portrait of contemporary Spain

Terug naar huis, de nieuwe roman van de Spaanse schrijver Jesús Carrasco (49) is naast een portret van een familie en twee generaties, ook een portret van Spanje zelf.  ‘De huidige literatuur geeft sociale groepen een stem die ze eerder niet hadden.’ Drie jaar werk en twee complete romans belandden in de prullenbak voordat Jesús Carrasco zijn nieuwe roman Terug… 

'We're not going to talk about Jiskefet, are we?' For Michiel Romeyn, all of life is theatre

Even though the satirical programme Jiskefet has not existed for more than 15 years, Michiel Romeyn (66) is still recognised on the street as 'lullo' Van Binsbergen, 'the white nigger' Oboema or office clerk Storm. In Romeyn's existence, the dividing line between life and theatre is fluid. 'I like to disrupt things,' he says. 'We're hopefully not going to talk about Jiskefet after all.... 

Antonio's eye is a novel that won't soon disappear from your retina

'Him, dammit. Do I need to be any clearer?' With those words from the irascible photographer Alessandro Pavia, who appoints orphan boy Antonio as his new assistant, a new life begins for the protagonist of the novel Antonio's Eye by Raffaella Romagnolo. Antonio Casagrande, already almost 12 and blind in one eye, had almost given up hope of ever making orphanage Pammatone... 

Marta Barone's craftsmanship glistens beneath the surface of 'Sunken City'

'It really is the case that at some point the dead come back to look for you, and then you have to have dinner with them.' Italian writer Marta Barone (34), who records these words in her novel Sunken City, experienced this first-hand when she lost her father Leonardo, now a decade ago. Barone grew up at... 

Writer Domenico Starnone on his fascination with human relationships: 'We feel fear of the other, because it always remains "the other".'

Secrets is the title of Italian writer Domenico Starnone's (78) latest novel. But actually, as far as he is concerned, the secret is not what the story is about. 'It's about the fear we feel for the other, because the other always remains, under whatever circumstances, the ánder.' Human behaviour Domenico Starnone's finely crafted, concise novels... 

In the grip of mental illness. Jan van Mersbergen wrote a novel about the demise of his family

Als een van beide ouders niet stevig op z’n benen staat, hoe beïnvloedt dat dan een heel gezin? Daarover gaat Een goede moeder, de nieuwe roman van Jan van Mersbergen (50). Het verhaal is gebaseerd op de afgelopen jaren van zijn eigen leven. ‘Het moest geen afrekening worden.’ Avonturenroman Twee jaar geleden zei hij dat hij op zijn vijftigste, als… 

Writer Henk Pröpper's slow heartbeat

Writer and publicist Henk Pröpper had only just moved to his beloved Paris when the city came to a standstill, and so did his heart almost. Once fitted with a pacemaker, he took to the city in the one hour a day Parisians were allowed. A new world opened up for him. For Henk Pröpper (62), former director... 

A dangerously hurt little bird. Writer Caroline De Mulder delved into the world of girl gangs and sugardating

Girl gangs and sugar dating - these are the themes of Bambi likes you raw. Caroline De Mulder (44) wanted to talk about the violence of women rather than against women. 'I could work out the dark, aggressive sides in myself without bashing someone's head in.' Bambi's protagonist, 16-year-old Hilda, or Bambi, as her... 

Presenter Harm Edens wrote a book about his childhood: 'I always felt like an outsider'

He is known as a writer of comedy series, such as SamSam and Het zonnetje in huis, and as presenter of the satirical TV programme Dit was het nieuws. But during Harm Edens' (59) youth, there was little to laugh at. 'Even though the whole country claps for you, if your parents don't, it's still a loss.' The 'intelligent lockdown' was last... 

'New venom is added every day.' In book, presenter Naeeda Aurangzeb allows non-white Dutch people to experience what comes over them every day

Even though she has lived in the Netherlands since she was three, journalist and radio TV presenter Naeeda Aurangzeb (47) is still not considered a full-fledged compatriot. In her book 365 dagen Nederlander, she gives a disconcerting picture in short sketches of how non-white Dutch people or Dutch people with a migration background are treated. Biology teacher to class 'This is what you call olive-coloured skin. You can... 

'Silence has made me sicker.' Kathelijn Hulshof aims to break the taboo on mental illness with her book

A peek into her stormy inner self - that is what Kathelijn Hulshof (32) wants to give with her book Gevalletje borderline. We should dare to talk to each other about mental illness, she thinks. 'Then the burden becomes less heavy and lonely.' Hurricanes inside me 'No, you can't have borderline, people told me. I had completed an education, I had... 

Antonio Scurati wrote novel about Mussolini: 'Of my readers, 99 per cent consider the book to be anti-fascist. The other 1 per cent were already fascist and recognise themselves in it.'

Formation of the Fasci di combattimento (the Black Shirts) Milan, Piazza San Sepolcro, 23 March 1919 We look out on Piazza San Sepolcro. Barely a hundred people. All men who don't count. We are few and we are dead. They are waiting for me to speak, but I have nothing to say. The stage is empty, awash with eleven million corpses,... 

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