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Renée Steenbergen

Bureau Renée Steenbergen provides Project management and Strategic advice , based on research, to cultural organisations and charities. She specialises in the areas of collection development, marketing & communication and fundraising. As an author and researcher, she publishes on material culture, collecting and patronage. In addition, Renée advises private givers, donors and collectors in finding a meaningful use for their art property and assets. Steenbergen is also an experienced organiser of symposia, conferences and workshops. She is an enthusiastic speaker and moderator in fluent English, German and French.

Monk dwingt concentratie af met Indra’s Net in het Holland Festival

De koepel van de imposante voormalige Gashouder op het Westergasterrein blijkt een prima akoestiek te bieden voor muziek. Daar had gisteravond de premiere plaats van Indra’s Net, de nieuwste compositie van zanger, regisseur en filmmaker Meredith Monk. Beroemdheid vooral in de Verenigde Staten, waar zij al meer dan vijftig jaar minimale muziek componeert en uitvoert. Sinds 1978 samen met haar… 

ANGELA (a strange loop) 4 © Julian Röder

Susanne Kennedy's 'Angela - a strange loop at the Holland Festival: no new insights, rather clichés

Well, Angela... this 'posthuman' play by German-British director Susanne Kennedy, now at the Holland Festival, aims to touch on many things: life & death, time & space, truth & fake. The play begins with a text running across the walls announcing that everything in this story is real, based on diaries and facts. Soon after, this statement becomes... 

Book cover The Art of Different

6 proposals for cultural innovation

This is a pre-publication from the book The Art of Different, which will be available from 17 January 2023 via the author's site The arts sector is vulnerable, as was unmistakably demonstrated during the pandemic years. It is also clear that these are not just temporary setbacks, but problems of a structural nature. These were already in play before Corona but were anticipated... 

Don't confuse autonomous arts with creative industries

Since the budget cuts from 2011 onwards, policymakers have been setting the so-called 'creative industries' as a model for the arts. Industrial design, architecture, graphic design and the gaming industry: the creatives have been nuked as a 'top sector'. This, I believe, is the deeper cause of the unease expressed in this newspaper's Cultural Supplement: the increasing instrumentalisation of the arts by policymakers. The piece 'Why the... 

Kunstorganisaties, betaal je eigen mensen fatsoenlijk!

Een vangnetregeling voor freelancers in de culturele sector: vijftig belangen- en brancheorganisaties hebben deze week opnieuw een beroep gedaan op kabinet en Tweede Kamer voor financiële steun aan deze grote groep. Het gaat om zeventig procent van de zogenoemde cultuurwerkers, dus een meerderheid die geen vast dienstverband heeft. Door de zojuist heringevoerde avondsluiting van podia zien zij hun inkomsten opnieuw… 

New private museum in Amsterdam: a rather brazen action, seemingly fuelled by resentment.

‘Een mooi cadeau aan de stad’- zo omschrijft de Hartwig Art Foundation op zijn website het plan om een nieuw kunstmuseum op de Zuidas te initiëren. Het is een particulier initiatief van ondernemer, kunstverzamelaar en filantroop Rob Defares. De Amsterdamse Kunstraad heeft positief geadviseerd over het plan, de gemeente beslist er binnenkort over. Het klinkt veelbelovend: een kunsthal – er komt geen… 

THIS IS A CALL TO THE MINISTER OF CULTURE: Support our arts! My plea for a collective fund for all the arts

It is high time for collective action, now that arts organisations have closed and activities are at a standstill. Plea for a support fund for culture, to which governments, funds and companies contribute in unison. We all notice it: live cultural offerings are at a standstill due to the coronavirus. Much has been written and talked about the importance and value of culture in recent weeks. That... 

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