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Jeroen de Valk

journalist/schrijver/muzikant, zie

Godfried Bomans: respectively loved, vilified, misunderstood and forgotten

Godfried Bomans died half a century ago. Almost immediately afterwards, the Netherlands' best-loved writer sank into oblivion. It is time for a reappraisal of Bomans' literary work and even his political views. I delved into the archives, also looking for the few traces of Bomans in Amersfoort. First some round figures. Seventy years ago, he delivered a lecture... 

#Reinbertbio one year on: biographer looks back

There once was a celebrity (pianist, composer and conductor Reinbert de Leeuw), a biographer (Thea Derks) and a riot. De Leeuw was against the publication of his biography Reinbert de Leeuw: man or melody and made no secret of it. In the TV programme Zomergasten (Summer guests), he even dismissed the dissertation-like standard work as an almost endearing puff piece. Meanwhile... 

'All-rounder' Boy Edgar staggeringly portrayed

Boy Edgar was the most famous big band leader of his time, but at the same time a busy doctor and an alcoholic. A biography on this ADHD'ing all-rounder was published for the first time. An impressive, sometimes disconcerting book marred only occasionally by factual inaccuracies. By day he was, among other things, a renowned neurologist, a revolutionary abortionist and the first general practitioner in the Bijlmermeer. 's... 

Clark Terry: een jazzlegende lucht zijn hart

Jazzmusicus en docent Clark Terry overleed vorige maand. Jazzjournalist Jeroen de Valk blikt terug op een openhartig interview met een van de grootste trompettisten aller tijden. Pas op 21 februari viel hij stil, Clark Terry. Hij was 94 jaar en zat zeker 75 jaar in het muzikanten-vak. Ga maar na: hij verdiende zijn brood als trompettist als prille tiener en… 

Ron Jagers

Amersfoort absurdist Ron Jagers seeks the limits of the everyday

Ron Jagers has been providing playful commentary on culture in Amersfoort and elsewhere for 45 years. His latest find is the 'Prince Bernhard Fanclub'. But the 63-year-old absurdist and multi-artist also made a gripping book about East Berlin before the fall of the wall. 'hop, two-three-four!' He walks along in the Silent Fanfare, an orchestra that marches forward with much fuss 

Thijs Borsten (left), briefly active as a guitarist, with singer Tania Kross and his regular bassist Xander Buvelot. PHOTO MARIE-JOSE ELDERING

Thijs Borsten breaks through with unique musical concept 'The Challenge'

Thijs Borsten blurs boundaries. Under the slogan 'The Challenge', he puts completely different artists on stage together. After years of struggling, the concept is now being embraced by media and audiences. Thijs has a chance of winning his 6 minutes of fame in DWDD in the near future. Bringing artists from different cultures together and labelling such a thing as a 'challenge';... 

Masha Bijlsma’s come-back verandert Zeister Bovenkamer in zwoele jazz-club

Een bovenzaaltje op een verlaten bedrijventerrein wordt een knusse jazzclub, een meisje van 43 uit de Achterhoek wordt een zwarte jazzdiva en haar band maakt een comeback na het verscheiden van de muzikaal leider. Bij Masha Bijlsma zijn de wonderen de wereld nog niet uit. Muziek kan de tijd doen stil staan. Dat gebeurt héél soms maar; ik maak het… 

A dress made from a mop. Chris Nauta breaks through with recycle fashion

Chris Nauta breaks through. The Amersfoort-based artist makes new clothes from old blankets, tents and other unlikely materials. She was prominent at Oerol and can count stars including Gregory Porter among her fans. 'My customers get a unique piece of art and reduce waste.' Chris Nauta is Central Netherlands' recycling artist. She makes winter coats from used blankets, brightly coloured bags from... 

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