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Ten translators in the spotlight in one fell swoop - the nominations for the annual Filter Translation Prizes have been announced! They are all wonderful books, for young and old - and more than scintillating translations.These are the nominations for the Filter Translation Prize 2024: And also five nominations for the Filter Translation Prize 2024 for children's and youth books: The winners The winners will be announced live... 

Het Zomeroffer - musical theatre spectacle by De Warme Winkel ism Touki Delphine & Asko|Schönberg in Amsterdam's Bostheatre

25 June to 4 Aug This summer it's going to happen: the car is going. It has brought us much, individual freedom, adventure, convenience and eroticism, but its time has come. Together with The Warm Shop and Touki Delphine, Asko|Schönberg presents The Summer Sacrifice. The Summer Sacrifice is inspired by Igor Stravinsky's famous Le sacre du printemps (The Spring Sacrifice). Where in the... 

Available from now on: Bookman #139 on culture in the region

Amsterdam, 13 June 2024 - Culture in the region was a recurring theme during the Lower House elections. The Council for Culture also pays attention to this. The council suggests distributing subsidies more evenly across the country. But how should this be achieved? How is the money distributed now? And how do different regions look at the plans? On these and other... 

Who_s afraid of Oscar Wilde - photography Bas de Brouwer (attribution always required)

Theatre Kikker, for your necessary dose of drama

Ticket sales for season '24/'25 start On Thursday 13 June at 12:00, Theatre Kikker will start ticket sales for theatre season 24/25. With over 130 different performances, there is something for everyone. Be amazed and overwhelmed by theatre, modern dance, youth theatre, storytelling, performance and hip-hop. Theatre Kikker is ready for you all year long with your necessary dose of... 

You must see this during art spectacle Bosch Parade 

Tenth edition revolves around our contemporary demons On 20 June, art spectacle Bosch Parade will kick off for the tenth time. For four days, from the banks of the river Dommel, enjoy nineteen extraordinary works by artists from home and abroad. The floating and moving creations revolve around contemporary demons. Symbolic sailing ship and held-up mirror... 

Asko|Schönberg in Holland Festival: Mutability

World premiere Sunday 23 June Wandering in the music as among the trees of a forest. Intimate, vast and awe-inspiring at the same time. Twelve miniatures in the form of solo instruments come your way. They reflect musical characters, as changeable as life itself. Pioneering multimedia work For Mutability, composer Yannis Kyriakides asked 12 other composers to write two- to three-minute miniatures. Some of... 

Imara Limon, Photo: Berdi Kramers

Imara Limon new head of curators Amsterdam Museum

Curator and art historian Imara Limon (Leiden, 1988) will become head of curators and member of the Amsterdam Museum's management team from 1 July. Limon has been with the museum since 2017 and was winner of the National Museum Talent Award in the same year. She made a name for herself with projects such as the New Narratives programme line, the biennial art event Refresh Amsterdam and the current exhibition Manahahtáanung or New Amsterdam? In addition to her... 

Scene image The Silence, Photographer: Hans Gerritsen

Encounters between big paper roles in new children's show Coming and Going

Does it fall? Will it stay put? Forty rolls of paper, two metres high and many metres long, play their own role in Stilt's new children's performance Komen en Gaan. During the BRIK Festival on Saturday 22 June, this performance will premiere at the Chassé Theatre in Breda. The performance is a unique interplay between soprano singer Kelly Poukens and a dancer, who meet, leave and... 

Dystopia wins Delft Fringe Festival Audience Award 2024

In an almost sold-out final weekend, they played the halls flat Delft, Sunday 9 June, 2024 - After two weeks full of special encounters, touching words, impressive moves, little learning moments - or, on the contrary, great ones - and hilarious moments of laughter, it is over. Delft Fringe Festival, the festival for new performing artists, announced the audience winner at the closing on Sunday evening 9 June: Dystopia with the... 


On Friday 7 June, Touria Meliani, Amsterdam's Alderman of Culture, visited the recently renovated Theatre Studio Artist Space. This studio serves as a rehearsal, creation and presentation space for new creators and is equipped with new lighting technology, sponsored by Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC), among others. During her visit, the councillor and invited guests attended performances by Elsemarijn, among others... 

Holland Festival opened in the presence of Princess Beatrix. 

Tonight, the 77th edition of the Holland Festival opened in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix. In the opening speech, festival director Emily Ansenk said that "the world's most urgent groundbreaking performing arts come together in June in Amsterdam.It may be here in all its multiformity. If you are 77 years old, and have lived through all sorts of eras, developments and governments, then... 

image from the trailer of The Utility's performance Good Keep Money

Groundbreaking theatre show Good Gold Money returns

The NUT is (far) from done with the future of money After a successful run and rave reviews in summer 2023, the groundbreaking theatre production Good gold money returns on 21 and 23 June 2024 at the Heimland Festival in Diepenheim. Good gold money has not only impressed audiences at previous screenings, but also raised €101,332.80 in surplus... 

HKU and Theatre Kikker unpack: Summer gift for the city - art students present their work in glass containers on Janskerkhof

From Sunday 9 to Sunday 23 June, HKU and Theater Kikker will give the latest crop of young talent a stage in the middle of the city. In transparent KikkerKontainers found on Janskerkhof, opposite HKU Theatre, students will have the opportunity to present their work to the Utrecht audience. Come and meet the talent of the future and let... 

pr image asko|schönberg

Asko|Schönberg in the Day of the Composer: Night Shift, the audience as co-maker and player

During Composer's Day, celebrate the importance as well as the joy of contemporary music and today's composers In Night Shift - The Rehearsal by Cathy Milliken, the audience playfully becomes co-makers and players. Together, musicians, choir, soloists and conductor create a world where the boundaries between them are blurred. Midsummer Night's Dream as inspiration Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream provides the starting point... 

After a successful first edition, Marmoucha is back at Eye

After a successful first edition of Eye meets Marmoucha, Marmoucha Orchestra is back at Eye for a special event: the live accompaniment of the silent film Kif Tebbi on 8 June. Kif Tebbi When the Turks loot the countryside in Libya for supplies for their troops, Mné, an Arab girl from a nomad tribe with whom Ismaïl is in love, flees through... 

The makers who played at the Delft Fringe Festival opening. From left to right: Ard Kok, Remijn Weijdema, Emma Thomson, Mariví van den Hooff, Bob Donkers, Mystha Mandersloot, Oudail el Omari. Photographer: Sjoerd Derine.

Delft Fringe Festival: Especially in these times, listen carefully to what is really being told

Alderman Frank van Vliet: "Delft Fringe Festival contributes to happiness" Delft, Wednesday 29 May, 2024 - Tuesday evening 28 May saw the festive opening of the 13th edition of Delft Fringe Festival in Theater de Veste. Like all Fringe Festivals worldwide, the festival in Delft celebrates creative freedom. The festival helps today's creators to tell their stories and... 

campaign image: PaulinaMatusiak&EddyWenting | Square Theatre

Plein Theater presents Month for Keti Koti from 31 May to 27 June with various activities around the slavery past and Surinamese cuisine.

Keti Koti month takes place annually in the month of June in the run-up to Keti Koti on 1 July. This month is dedicated to remembrance and reflection around the Netherlands' slavery past and its repercussions today. Plein Theater in Amsterdam East, located next to the Oosterpark and the National Monument on Slavery History, is particularly dedicated to... 

campaign images

Ticket sales 40th edition Boulevard launched

For four decades, 's-Hertogenbosch has turned into a lively stage for inspiring performances and encounters for 11 days in August. Ticket sales for the first fourteen performances of the anniversary edition of Theatre Festival Boulevard started today for Friends (on Tuesday 28 May for everyone). At the same time, the free Boulevard Magazine 1 with background articles and interviews will be published. Celebrating man Since 1985,... 

Bosch Parade, Den Bosch's floating art spectacle, is celebrating its birthday! 

In this tenth edition, artists depict our contemporary demons On 20 June, the theatrical and musical art spectacle Bosch Parade will kick off for the tenth time. For three days, from the banks of the river Dommel, you can enjoy floating, paddling and swimming works of art in the middle of the historical centre of 's-Hertogenbosch. Fantasy and madness With nineteen floating and moving creations,... 

Deepening programme during Delft Fringe Festival 2023. Photographer: Jurjen Bolsenbroek.

Performing arts and science go hand in hand in Delft

TU Delft and Delft Fringe Festival build bridge between young makers in technology and the performing arts Delft, Friday 17 May, 2024 - During the 13th festival edition of Delft Fringe Festival (28 May - 9 June), the performing arts festival is working in full collaboration with TU Delft. On 31 May, for instance, a group of TU students will dance at this year's... 

ILFU campaign image

First names for ILFU's Exploring Stories festival weekend

ILFU 2024's festival theme is 'I am many Stories'. This year's ILFU (International Literature Festival Utrecht) will take place from 21 September to 5 October, and carries the motto 'I am many stories', borrowed from Marilyn Monroe. The programme includes regular ingredients such as the Utrecht Book Market, the NK Poetry Slam, the YALFU (Young Adult Festival), Book Talks and... 

PR image Holland Festival

Brazilian vibes and groundbreaking performances at Holland Festival 

Three more weeks and the Holland Festival is about to start again! The 77th edition of the Holland Festival opens at the Amsterdam Gashouder on 6 June with Rite of Spring, a double programme in which Stravinsky's Le Sacre du printemps is the inspiration for a film by Greek filmmaker and visual artist Evangelia Kranioti. This edition's associate artist, the... 

campaign image by Alex Avgud

Unique collaboration between ICK Dance Amsterdam and MMA world champion Marloes Coenen

A unique collaboration between ICK Dans Amsterdam and MMA world champion Marloes Coenen will take place on 24 May at Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam. Following the performance ROCCO/ROCCA - a multi-award-winning dance performance by Emio Greco | Pieter C. Scholten - Marloes Coenen will talk to the dancers of ROCCO/ROCCA after the performance on 24 May. The dance performance... 

Campaign image Tales of the Tinderverse by Sophie Willemijntje. Photographer: Anneliese van Buren.

Impact of new performing artists increases

Press release + programme booklet Delft, Thursday 16 May, 2024 - Throughout the centuries, creatives broke through many barriers and taboos with their stories. Anno 2024, this development within the performing arts is more palpable than ever. At the foot of this growing impact of creatives is the organisation of the Delft Fringe Festival. Which has been giving space to the performing arts for 13 years... 

Asko|Schönberg, together with four leading European music ensembles, launches a new edition of >CONNECT: The Audience as Artist< the pioneering European partnership that breaks down barriers between artists and audiences.

The new edition of >CONNECT: The Audience as Artist<, made possible by Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne, will feature a new commission by Austrian-German composer Brigitta Muntendorf as well as welcome a new fifth partner ensemble, Ensemble intercontemporain (Paris). This groundbreaking multi-year project aims to redefine the relationship between artists and audiences by involving audiences as direct participants in... 

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