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Anything for which people enter a stage.

Created with DALL-E via the prompt: 'A brave female knight fighting against diversity advocates in the form of dragons.'

The Free Left fights against code diversity without sound arguments.

Free art is in danger. At least that is what the Free Left Foundation claims. The article goes around persistently on facebook: "Unfree art is not really art at all." Actress Femke Lakerveld breaks a lance for the free arts in this interview with journalist Joep van Ruiten. The occasion is a manifestation in Groningen, which will feature a number of speakers on whether... 

logo Netherlands Association for Performing Arts

Stages should be a safe place for everyone

It is with concern that we see an increasing number of polarisation-inspired incidents in our houses and on our stages. Everyone, from creators to staff and audiences, should be safe inside our houses and on our stages. In doing so, even in this antagonistic time, there is no place for actions or intimidations motivated by... 

Photo opportunity at the end of Delft Fringe's first 'Makers Day' on 8-2-2024. Photo by author

How Delft Fringe Festival is reaching audiences open to experimentation: 'Away with theatrical codes'

'What makes your performance unique? Why should people come to see you, what will they take home from it?' At the Delft Fringe Festival's first 'Makersday', at the end of January, it's little about art, but a lot about speed dates, workshops in marketing, pitching and making flyers. The 30 or so makers present also get a lesson in handling theatre criticism from... 


At a festive ceremony on the closing night of Cinedans FEST '24 (Sunday evening 24 March) at Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam, the following international prizes were awarded for best dance film 2024: Cinedans JURY AWARDS Best Short Dance Film up to 25' €5,000 Until Director & Choreographer |Tanin Torabi |Iran| 2023|13′ From the jury report: Until portrays dance as a form of resistance and shifts the... 

New editing & theatre studio in Amsterdam

Top of the Bill for new generation of makers: 'Theatre Studio Artist Space' On 21 March, ICK Dans Amsterdam opened the doors of its new, state-of-the-art editing studio on the WG grounds in the heart of Amsterdam. Thanks to new sponsor ETC (Electronic Theatre Controls), the studio is now equipped with high-quality, sustainable LED lighting, making it an ideal editing studio for new (dance) makers. With... 

publicity image by Pauline Matusiak and Eddy Wenting

From 3 to 7 April, Plein Theater and Cat Smits Company present the Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam!

The Queering Puppets Festival Amsterdam provides a stage for genre-transcending forms of visual theatre, object theatre, puppetry and queer perspectives. The third edition of the festival has the theme 'Weapons of the Weak', highlighting the power of vulnerability as a political tool. The highlight of the festival is the farewell performance by Neville Tranter, one of the world's best-known puppeteers, who after... 

Rape under the carpet

What happens behind the scenes at organisations when they face allegations of (serious) cross-border behaviour? Trainee Emilia accuses a theatre technician at a well-known theatre company of rape. This piece is based on her story and her own research, anonymised for privacy reasons. June 2022, beer, vodka, joints and a share scooter It's party time in a city park; students... 

Marmoucha Orchestra and Mehdi Nassouli chosen for prestigious Jazzahead! 2024

Marmoucha Orchestra and Mehdi Nassouli present "Sonic Bridges" at Jazzahead 2024: A new era in Jazz and Gnawa exploration With great enthusiasm and pride, we announce that the Marmoucha Orchestra, in collaboration with renowned Gnawa musician Mehdi Nassouli, has been selected to perform at the prestigious Jazzahead! 2024 showcase. As the largest jazz fair in Europe, Jazzahead! offers a unique... 

Georgina Verbaan plays lead role in 24-hour theatrical marathon The Second Woman. One woman, one role, one hundred men.   

From 28 to 29 June, Georgina Verbaan will play the lead role for twenty-four hours at the Holland Festival in Nat Randall and Anna Breckon's play The Second Woman, a unique hallucinatory cinematic theatre experience. During this theatre marathon, live at ITA and simultaneously on screen at Koninklijk Theater Tuschinski, she plays with a hundred different, to her unknown, antagonists every... 

Credit Irakli Chelidze, Giorgi Nakashidze

Kordz x Sakamoto: Festive tribute to (film) composer Ryuichi Sakamoto (23 March - Muziekgebouw)

Together with Alexandre Kordzaia, aka Kordz, Asko|Schönberg pays a special tribute to (film) composer and synthesiser pioneer Ryuichi Sakamoto, who died a year ago. Sakomoto (1952 - March 2023) became best known for his music for films such as Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence, The Last Emperor, The Revenant and most recently the film Monster. He also pioneered synth and electropop with which... 

Cinedans FEST '24: programme announced

Cinedans exists 20 years! The anniversary edition Cinedans FEST '24 will take place from 20 to 24 March at Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam as well as online from 20 to 31 March on Cinedans WEB.For five days, Eye will be all about the international dance film with special highlights and premieres, a special film programme with a post-colonial theme Breaking the Chainsen... 

Fltr: Madeleine Matzer, Martine Manten, Agnes Bolwiender

MATZER becomes polyphonic

's-Hertogenbosch, 6 March 2024 - From 1 January 2025, Madeleine Matzer will step down as artistic director and director-director of MATZER Theatre Productions. She founded the company in 2007 and has since made dozens of performances that played at diverse locations: from Theatre Carré to care institutions. In recent years, she not only directed, she also wrote the successful performances Je kan... 

13th edition Delft Fringe Festival in full swing

Be surprised, entertained, moved and stimulate your brain at the Delft Fringe Festival Delft, Tuesday 5 March 2024 - This year's Delft Fringe Festival will take place from 28 May to 9 June. It is the 13th time the festival has been organised in Delft. From 410 applications, 28 makers have been selected to be seen this summer... 

Ksenia plays Oscar and Oma Rozerood in Leiden (pr image)

Ksenia Marasanova plays quartet of theatre performances in Leiden 

East-Ukrainian-born actress Ksenia Marasanova has been touring the Netherlands for years with solo theatre performances. In mid-March, she will visit Leiden. At Empire Theatre, she will play three solo performances and one performance in a company. Ksenia makes high-profile theatre that really touches you. The quartet opens on 14 March with the anti-war performance They Saw War. Six people interacted... 

image from macacos by Julieta Bacchin

Intersections, encounters and coming home in Holland Festival 2024

The 77th edition of the Holland Festival presents innovative international performing arts with more than 40 productions and over 380 artists at 21 different venues in Amsterdam. The opening takes place on Thursday 6 June with a special programme in the Gashouder, where Stravinsky's iconic Sacre du printemps will be accompanied by a film by Evangelia Kranioti, and Caroline Shaw's Music in... 

Blue Hour by Matzer, pr image by Karin Jonkers

Liliane Brakema directs Alejandra Theus in musical performance Blue Hour

From 29 February to 29 May 2024, Blue Hour tours the country. A woman searches for a way through a nearly devastated world with her baby. Liliane Brakema directs Alejandra Theus in a musical theatre performance inspired by Cormac McCarthy's Pullitzer Prize-winning novel The Road. The premiere of this co-production by MATZER Theatre Production and &Brakema Productions is Friday, March 1,... 

still from the teaser for Stuntkont.

The best shit show in years comes from Rotterdam

It seems that at the inset performances of Maas Theatre&Dans' latest, 'Stuntkont', a few schools have already complained. Classes even walked out. Logical perhaps, at least for adult school teachers who can't take poop-and-pee jokes. Children from 6 to 106 can only laugh really hard at them. So poop-and-pee jokes turn out to be more amusing than I myself expected. At least when they are made... 

ZID Theatre puts 'Change/Change' centre stage at ExploreZ Festival 2024

Twelve days full of inspiration, connection, diversity and excitement for a wide audience Amsterdam, 15 February 2024 - ZID Theatre presents the ninth edition of the multidisciplinary and international ExploreZ Festival in Amsterdam. From 7 to 18 May 2024, visitors can enjoy twelve days of a rich mix of theatre, music, dance, workshops and artist talks, with the theme 'Change/Change'.... 

Arin Keshishi & the Marmoucha Orchestra

Be taken on an extraordinary journey. Arin Keshishi, the virtuoso bassist and artistic director of the renowned Marmoucha Orchestra, unveils "Self-Reflection: The Live Experience" Self-reflection of masterful bassist and artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra. In this edition, we highlight Arin Keshishi, an exceptionally talented bassist and the new artistic director of the Marmoucha Orchestra. His... 

After the End

A performance by Marmoucha featuring the dynamic duo of The Pig Factory, Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni. In a world of shadows and contrasts, Christiaan and Ali, each coloured by their own beliefs, are diametrically opposed. Their life experiences and circumstances have shaped their views and behaviour. Theatre-makers Mohammed Azaay and Karim El Guennouni take on a refreshingly outspoken and entertaining... 

Three performances by and at ZID Theatre in Amsterdam's Kolenkit neighbourhood during the National Theatre Weekend on 26, 27 and 28 January 2024

ZID Theatre creates multidisciplinary performances with very diverse talents, while also being a stage for these performances and for productions by other like-minded creators. We have therefore decided to open our doors for the second time for the nationalNational Theatre Weekend. What can you see at ZID? On Friday 26 January (8pm): the premiere of two performances: Circles by Issam... 

Cinedans FEST '24

Cinedans exists 20 years! The anniversary edition Cinedans FEST '24 will take place from 20 to 24 March at Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam as well as online from 20 to 31 March on Cinedans WEB.For five days, Eye will be all about the international dance film with special highlights and premieres, including the arrival of special guest Celia Rowlson-Hall who will perform a... 

ICK: We, The Eyes, Maubeuge Alex Avgud

Dutch tour WE, the EYES

In the compelling performance WE, the EYES, dancers, together with virtuoso percussionists and experimental hip-hop/soul/jazz artist Pink Oculus, search for a new way of seeing. In a force field of mesmerising projections, seductive vocals, rousing beats and inspired dance, a new perspective is emerging. The performers start from the dark, forcing them to engage other senses.... 

scene photo the Silence, photo by Hans Gerristen

Back to the time when you explored the world with an open mind - The Silence

Blikvangers - performance for children aged 1 to 6 In the beginning, the world was uninhibited. Life was so pristine that curiosity did not suffer from fear or anger. Like the open gaze of one who looked at the world, so pristine was it.The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless.Discovery was a breeze. Every touch... 

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